  May 23, 2007

  Gay and Dissident Bishops Excluded From Â’08 Meeting 
The archbishop of Canterbury sent out more than 800 invitations yesterday to a 
once-a-decade global gathering of Anglican bishops. But he did not invite the 
openly gay Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire and the bishop in Virginia who 
heads a conservative cluster of disaffected American churches affiliated with 
the archbishop of Nigeria. 
  The exclusions offended liberals and conservatives in the worldwide Anglican 
Communion, which has been threatened by schism since the election in 2003 of 
the bishop of New Hampshire, V. Gene Robinson, who lives with his gay partner.
  The gathering, the Lambeth Conference, is shaping up as a crucial test of the 
unity of the communion. It is scheduled for three weeks in the summer of 2008 
in London.
  The archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola, issued a statement saying if an 
invitation was not extended to his bishop in Virginia, Martyn Minns, he would 
regard that as “withholding invitation to the entire House of Bishops of the 
Church of Nigeria.” 
  The Nigerian archbishop leads the largest of 38 provinces in the communion, 
with as many as 17 million members.
  Bishop Robinson said he was extremely disappointed at his exclusion and asked 
in a statement, “At a time when the Anglican Communion is calling for a 
‘listening process’ on the issue of homosexuality, how does it make sense to 
exclude gay and lesbian people from the discussion?”
  The archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, who has expressed 
liberal views on homosexuality in the past, has been determined to keep the 
communion intact. In his invitation letter, Archbishop Williams wrote, “I have 
to reserve the right to withhold or withdraw invitations from bishops whose 
appointment, actions or manner of life have caused exceptionally serious 
division or scandal within the communion.”
  The secretary general of the communion, Canon Kenneth Kearon, told reporters 
that the archbishop of Canterbury was contemplating inviting Bishop Robinson as 
a guest, rather than a participant, but not Bishop Minns. 
  Canon Kearon said that the leaders of the communion recognized that Bishop 
Robinson was “duly elected and consecrated according to the proper procedures 
of the Episcopal Church.” 
  But to invite him, the canon said, “would be to ignore the very substantial 
and widespread objections in many parts of the communion to his consecration 
and his ministry.”
  He said there was “no parallel” between Bishop Robinson and Bishop Minns, a 
rector who was installed as a bishop in Virginia this month by Archbishop 
Akinola, a crossing of boundaries that the archbishop of Canterbury criticized. 
  Bishop Minns heads a consortium of churches that have left the Episcopal 
Church, the Convocation of Anglicans in North America. Canon Kearon said the 
convocation was not a recognized body of the Anglican Communion.
  Bishop Minns said in a statement, “One thing is clear, a great deal can and 
will happen before next July.” 
  At the last Lambeth Conference, in 1998, the bishops passed a resolution 
“rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture” and declared 
their opposition to blessing same-sex unions. 
  The archbishop of Canterbury said in his letter to the bishops that he wanted 
the next conference to focus on prayer and reflection more than setting policy. 
  Integrity, an advocacy group for gay Episcopalians, said its members were 
“outraged and appalled” at the ostracizing of Bishop Robinson and called on 
American bishops “to think long and hard about whether they are willing to 
participate in the continued scapegoating of the gay and lesbian faithful as 
the price for going to the Lambeth Conference.”
  American bishops are reacting cautiously. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts 
Schori said in a brief statement, “I urge a calm approach,” and added that the 
situation could change over the next 14 months. 
  The bishop of Vermont, Thomas Clark Ely, said: “It’s hard for me to see my 
colleague in a different status than I am. I think thereÂ’s still time to try to 
work this through. I would hope there is.”
  Canon Kearon said two other bishops risked being disinvited. Church officials 
said one was Nolbert Kunonga, the archbishop of Harare, Zimbabwe, and an ally 
of President Robert G. Mugabe, who has been accused of human rights abuses. The 
other bishop was not identified.

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