[image: $Account.OrganizationName] July 23, 2007


United Nations Grant Consultative Status to Groups Working to Address Sexual
Orientation and Gender Identity Issues

July 23, 2007
For Immediate Release

(United Nations, Geneva, July 23, 2007). In a vote that recognizes the
importance of including the voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) human rights groups at the United Nations, the UN
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted consultative status on Friday
to two nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that address human rights
violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The two groups, Coalition gaie et lesbienne du Québec (CGLQ) and the Swedish
Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL), will be
able to use their new consultative status at the UN to work directly on
human rights and other issues of importance to the LGBT community by
ensuring access to UN meetings, delivery of oral and written reports, and
organizing events to facilitate understanding of the abuse and
discrimination that LGBT people face around the world.

ECOSOC consists of 54 member states of the United Nations, drawn from the
five UN regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the West.
States from all five regions voted to overturn a negative decision by the
ECOSOC's NGO Committee and to accredit the LGBT groups.

"RFSL now has the possibility, together with others, to affect and improve
the situation for the world's LGBT persons," said Soren Juvas, President of
RFSL. Yvan Lapointe, General Director of CGLQ, added, "We are really excited
by the decision and are proud of the leadership role that Québec and Canada
have played in the field of human rights. We look forward to maintaining
this role as we work with other members of the international community to
advance LGBT rights."

John Fisher from ARC International, which coordinated State lobbying and
monitored the vote in Geneva, said, "The ECOSOC today affirmed the place of
lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people in the work of the United
Nations. We are delighted that support for NGOs working to address human
rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity continues
to increase. From every region in the world, States have sent a clear
message that discrimination has no place in the UN system, and that sexual
orientation and gender identity issues can, and must, be addressed."

Paula Ettelbrick from IGLHRC, which worked with groups in Asia and Latin
America to encourage support from their governments, noted that the Swedish
and Canadian groups succeeded in large measure because their own governments
supported their applications. "This vote once again illustrates the
importance of working locally in order to build our voice and participation
internationally," said Ettelbrick.

Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, Co-Secretary General of ILGA, which had urged its
members to lobby their governments on this crucial vote, affirmed, "We would
like the UN NGO Committee to acknowledge the repeated message sent by ECOSOC
that LGBT NGOs should have access to the UN on an equal basis to other NGOs.
We also congratulate our members CGLQ and RFSL on their victories."

A number of additional applications from diverse regions are due to be
reviewed by the NGO Committee, beginning January 2008. Currently, there are
about 2,800 NGOs with consultative status with the UN. Three European LGBT
NGOs were granted consultative status by ECOSOC in December 2006: The Danish
National Association for Gay and Lesbians (LBL), The European Region of the
International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA-Europe), and the Lesbian and
Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD). The US-based International Wages Due
Lesbians and Australian-based Coalition of Activist Lesbians have had
consultative status at the UN for years.

A full list of states' voting patterns during Friday's ECOSOC session can be


For further information please contact:

Yvan Lapointe, Directeur Général, Coalition gaie et lesbienne du Québec
+1-418-573-2438, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CGLQ is a coalition of individuals and groups in Québec promoting and
educating about human rights, sexual orientation, and gender identity and

Thomas Laurell, Press Secretary, RFSL, +46-736-60-3264,
RFSL is the national federation for the rights of LGBT in Sweden.

John Fisher, Co-Director, ARC International, +41-79-508-3968,

ARC International is a project-driven organisation, based in Canada and with
an office in Geneva, Switzerland, designed to make a contribution to the
development of a strategic international Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered human rights agenda. ARC works cooperatively with existing
domestic and international organisations working on LGBT and related issues,
and seeks to play a role in liaising and fostering positive communications
and networks between existing groups on targeted goals.

Hossein Alizadeh, Communications Coordinator, IGLHRC, +1-212-430-6016,

The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) is a
leading human rights organization solely devoted to improving the rights of
people around the world who are targeted for imprisonment, abuse or death
because of their sexuality, gender identity or HIV/AIDS status. IGLHRC
addresses human rights violations by partnering with and supporting
activists in countries around the world, monitoring and documenting human
rights abuses, engaging offending governments, and educating international
human rights officials. A nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, IGLHRC is
based in New York, with offices in San Francisco, Buenos Aires, and

Stephen Barris, Communication Officer, +32-2-502-2471,

The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) is a world-wide
federation of national and local groups dedicated to achieving equal rights
for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people
everywhere. Founded in 1978, it now has more than 560 member organizations
in over 90 countries in every continent and region of the world.

     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone: 212-268-8040

The Mission of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission is
to secure the full enjoyment of human rights of all people and communities
subject to discrimination or abuse on the basis of sexual orientation or
expression, gender identity or expression and/or HIV status.

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