As rightly said by manoj, eyes tell a lot ... they tell many more where word fall short off to express... I can understand you mit hav doen this with a fear of loosing a good gayfriend.. but this act mit have been soem what shocking for that guy. Thanks that you shared you experienced n didnt worried whether it was good or bad.... even i experience such touching in a crowded train, you wont experience such things in a empty or a less crowded train .... i like such acts .... expecially doing them in such a crowd n dyign to hide our act from their view is another pleasurable feeling.... just look into the eyes of the person who's touching you.... if he please he too will respond in the very same way else he mit give a strange look if he's not of that kind....
Sanket. On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 Manoj wrote : >Isnt it a bit stupid to do either of both the acts? > > The eyes speak tons which the words fail to express. So if the guy is > someone u life cant it be that u look at the guy - i am sure a person is > inteliigent enuff to know the intention behind the look quite easily- if he > does respond ......well smile....speak ...................or watever. > Or do you really like the rush and adventure of groping without knowing > where and whom u are groping and like the adventurous high that the act gives > -- if yes ....wel be prepared for whatever the consequences--- good or bad > >Bloot Fontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Sorry that that happened. Do be careful next time. Quite often, I > also touch people I like in trains and if they don't like me, they simply > move away. Getting beaten up happens only if I pester the person beyond > limits, which I never do. Similarly, I also get touched in trains and even > though I am bi, it may happen that I am not attracted to the person who > touches me and then I move away or tell the person to shift a little bit as > he is standing too close and he DOES move away. I say this very politely, I > do not start a fight. It is a request. > Beatings have not happened. Maybe they happen if you are TOO persistent? > Can't say for sure. Train crowds are used to homos and are tolerant. Maybe > you got the odd gay basher. > Maybe next time you could try inserting a finger into his palm, instead of > touching his thighs? That would be less offensive to a straight. > Don't really know what advice to give you on this, except that I share your > pain and embarassment and sympathise with you and thank you for sharing this > with us. > Regards. > > > Hello Everybody, > > Last weekend I had experience which is a nightmare for any gay. > > I was travelling by train, wherein I looked at this guy who I thought was a > gay, when I started making inroads by touching his thighs.......... > > I got heavely beaten in front of all passengers. > > I dont know whether I feel ashamed of myself or am I among the people who > are making the gay community more vulnarable to homophobic people by my acts. > > Certainly I did learnt lesson, the hard way. > > Take Care. > Abhay > >--------------------------------- > 5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here. > > > > > >--------------------------------- > Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends