Kudos to HBO for showing Brokeback Mountain this Saturday, 11th 
August at 9 pm: 


It will be censored, of course, but then Ang Lee was so tasteful 
about the sex that there really won't be much to cut. The film 
release in India only had a few cuts and ironically most of these 
were of the heterosexual sex scenes. 

I think the only gay scenes cut were of the shot where they jump 
naked into the water and an early one where Ennis is bathing in the 
stream and Jack tries not to look at him. For TV they'll probably cut 
a couple of the kisses which will be sad, but they can hardly cut 
enough to alter the story. 

And they certainly won't cut the scene at the end with the shirts and 
the film is worth watching just for that. So get out your 
handkerchiefs and keep Saturday night aside. And tell all your gay 
friends, and your straight friends too, if they need convincing that 
two men can fall in love,


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