January 2, 2008

  New H.I.V. Cases Drop, but Rise in Young Gay Men 

For years he had numbed his pain and fear with drugs, alcohol and anonymous 
sex. But in a flash of clarity one day, when the crystal meth was wearing off, 
Javier Arriola dragged himself to a clinic to get an H.I.V. test, years after 
he stopped using condoms. 
He knew the answer before he received the results, but it was far worse than he 
thought: At age 29, he had full-blown AIDS. 
He had planned to have a party for his 30th birthday. Instead he was thinking 
of hanging himself in his apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. 
“There were feelings of terror, like when you were a little kid and there’s 
that thing that terrifies you,” he said. “This was it. The worst nightmare, and 
I brought this onto myself.”
The number of new H.I.V. infections in men under 30 who have sex with men has 
increased sharply in New York City in the last five years, particularly among 
blacks and Hispanics, even as AIDS deaths and overall H.I.V. infection rates in 
the city have steadily declined. 
New figures from the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene show that 
the annual number of new infections among black and Hispanic men who have sex 
with men rose 34 percent between 2001 and 2006, and rose for all men under 30 
who have sex with men by 32 percent.
At a time when the number of new cases among older gay men is dropping — by 22 
percent in New York City during the same period — AIDS experts are bearing down 
on what they say is a worrisome and perplexing growth of H.I.V. infection among 
young men like Mr. Arriola.
So far, they say, the significant factors feeding the trend appear to be higher 
rates of drug use among younger men, which can fuel dangerous sex practices, 
optimism among them that AIDS can be readily treated, and a growing stigma 
about H.I.V. among gays that keeps some men from revealing that they are 
infected. There has also been a substantial increase in the number of new 
infection cases among young white men who have sex with men, but still that 
group had fewer new cases in 2006: 100, compared with 228 among blacks and 165 
among Hispanics.
The rising rates for young men in New York City come as federal health 
officials acknowledge that infection rates nationwide, while flat, may be 
substantially higher than previously thought because of underreporting.
The highest rates of H.I.V. infection nationally are among gays, blacks and 
Hispanics, with a recent trend toward a younger infected population mirroring 
New York City’s experience, according to AIDS researchers, who say they are 
concerned that the country’s infection rates over all have not declined in the 
past 10 years. 
“It’s really unconscionable that we haven’t had a decrease in new infections in 
the past decade in the United States,” said Wafaa El-Sadr, chief of infectious 
diseases at Harlem Hospital Center and a professor of public health at Columbia 
University. “It’s not anymore in the headlines; many people think it’s gone 
away, and it hasn’t gone away.”
AIDS activists and medical providers say the rates among young men could signal 
a new wave of the disease.
“Unless you start pulling it apart, unless you start looking at really 
addressing this and talking honestly, unless you start talking about it in a 
real way,” said Soraya Elcock, deputy director for policy at Harlem United 
Community Aids Center, in a neighborhood that has one of the highest infection 
rates in the city, “we’ll be here in another 20 years having the same 
As a young, black gay man, Lynonell Edmonds says it seems like a miracle that 
he has not contracted the AIDS virus. Before he turned 20, he had a haunting 
realization: in his group of 20 close gay friends, he was the only one without 
Mr. Edmonds, now 25, does outreach work for the Harlem AIDS center, trolling 
Craigslist and other online meeting spots as a “sexpert,” encouraging men to be 
tested. He and a crew of outreach workers also go to gay nightclubs late at 
night, with a van carrying H.I.V. tests that can be conducted on the spot. The 
crew parks the van, which has no obvious signs of its mission, on the street. 
When they go into the clubs, they make conversation and delicately inquire 
whether a clubgoer would like to take the test.
Mr. Edmonds said that for many gay black men there is a sense that getting the 
virus is almost inevitable. 
“A lot of guys say, ‘I’m going to get it anyway,’” Mr. Edmonds said. 
Mr. Edmonds and other gay men say the stigma of being infected with H.I.V. is 
growing, and may be greater now than it was in the 1990s, when the AIDS 
epidemic became a unifying cause, a shared tragedy for gay men. 
“I call it, ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’” Mr. Edmonds said. “People are not asking 
— it’s like it’s an offensive question.”
Kyle, who found out that he had the virus two years ago, at the age of 23, said 
he had grown weary of what he called “pity dates,” men who agreed to go out 
with him after he revealed he was infected, but had no intention of pursuing a 
relationship. He said that out of about 10 men he had dated in the last two 
years, only one — who was, at 40, the oldest — was willing to go beyond pity 
“They blame you and want nothing to do with you; they put you at the end of the 
line,” said Kyle, who spoke on the condition that his last name not be used 
because he said he believed his condition would hurt him professionally. “The 
older generation sees AIDS as a tragedy, the younger generation sees it as 
self-destructive behavior.”
He said he was infected by someone who did not reveal that he had the virus 
until after they had unprotected sex.
For Mr. Arriola, who struggled with being molested as a child, the H.I.V. 
diagnosis put him at rock bottom, he said. 
He continued to use drugs for several more months, but then, as his suicide 
plan was becoming an obsession, he called a friend who was a recovering addict. 
He got clean and sober, joined a 12-step group, started going to therapy and 
has slowly pieced his life back together.
“For me today, I’ve done a lot of work to accept myself. I don’t drink and 
drug, I meditate, there’s a lot of visualization of the person I want to be,” 
he said. “A lot of it is acceptance. I’m 32, I’m Latin, I’m gay and I have 
H.I.V. And I don’t feel bad about it. It’s very, very important for me to not 
feel shame about this.”
As the face of the epidemic grows younger, city health officials acknowledge 
that their efforts — including a widespread condom distribution program, new 
investments in education programs at places including churches, and more 
availability of H.I.V. testing — are falling short. 
“It leaves us a little bit scratching our heads: What is it that is going on?” 
said Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker. “Something clearly is not 
working, and it’s literally about life or death.”
The city, which has the highest number of AIDS cases in the nation, about 
100,000, and one of the highest H.I.V. infection rates, according to the health 
department, has made great strides in bringing down H.I.V. rates among 
intravenous drug users and pregnant women. The department, which is giving out 
three million condoms a month in a program begun last year, has also recently 
announced several efforts to expand rapid testing, which provides results 
within a day. 
The city’s health commissioner, Thomas R. Frieden, said in an interview that 
the increasing rates among younger men was being driven by stubbornly high 
rates of substance abuse, involving drugs like crystal methamphetamine and 
cocaine, which not only reduce inhibitions but can also lead to 
“hypersexuality”: extended periods of sexual activity, potentially with 
multiple partners.
Dr. Frieden also said that another likely explanation was “treatment optimism,” 
and the many messages gay men receive through AIDS drug advertisements that 
people like Mr. Arriola can live long and normal lives. 
“People who grew up watching their friends die of AIDS are a lot more careful 
than those who didn’t,” said Dr. Frieden, who said he cared for large numbers 
of AIDS patients in his earlier medical practice. 
He said the department was planning to begin a new H.I.V. prevention campaign 
aimed at younger men, and a new marketing strategy for their condom campaign 
later this year. “When’s the last time we saw someone with lesions walking 
through Chelsea and Hell’s Kitchen?” said Victoria Sharp, director of the 
Center for Comprehensive Care, which is currently providing medical care and 
other services to 3,000 H.I.V. patients at Roosevelt Hospital and in Harlem. 
“You don’t see it, and we haven’t seen it since the mid-1990s, so there is a 
whole generation or two who have grown up without seeing the physical 
Health officials said they were also concerned about the growing number of 
patients receiving concurrent diagnoses of both H.I.V. and AIDS, after waiting 
too long to be tested. And while some policymakers say more aggressive testing 
could partly explain the higher infection rates, experts say one in four people 
with H.I.V. do not know they are infected, so the actual rates could be much 
Since receiving the AIDS diagnosis, Mr. Arriola, now 32, has developed a large 
group of sober friends, become a licensed real estate broker, repainted his 
apartment — all things that seemed impossible to imagine in the darkness of his 
drug use and when he learned he had the disease. 
Then, he said he would look in the mirror and see the worthless person he 
believed he was. “I won’t make it to 35,” he would say.
But these days, with the antiviral drugs he takes, about five pills a day, his 
health is good, he said. Around his apartment, he has posted upbeat messages to 
himself, like the one on his mirror, where he has written “thank you.”
On the refrigerator he has a list of goals: “Write a book, own New York City 
property, spread love, own a business (20 million), get a college degree, run a 
triathlon, have a family (partner, car with driver and kids) and 190 pounds 

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