All the newspaper reports mention merely "a crate of beer " being found.
  No other form of alcohol.  Surely, no permit is required for drinking beer.
  How could the police then arrest them for not having permits?
  Or, was some other form of alcohol found on them?
  Anyway, it just goes to prove our old concept of the Indian (and not merely 
the Mumbai) police - do anything to make money.

lgbtindiagroup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi All 

Pastied below is the coverage of the busted gay party in mumbai 
papers. today's hindustan times , mumbai, has the pics of the 
organisers, handcuffed to each other and being led away to the court for their 
"crime" of holding a party for gays. someone defended the HT pic which is in 
bad taste as saying that the report was ok and that the eyes had been covered 
with a black strip unlike loksatta, a 

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