This is another very well written column by Bachi Karkaria, who has been a
friend and supporter of the movement within the TOI family for a long time
now. - Aditya B

We aren't called hetero sapiens, are we? Then why this fear, revulsion,
suspicion and just plain bloodymindedness over the homosexual? Last week, a
celebrity engagement was broken off because, hissed the grapevine, he was
gay. Imagine the heartbreak of the lovely woman all mentally mehendied, but
now smeared with snigger. But also imagine the plight of the young man
trapped between social izzat and supposed sexual orientation. It's naive to
demand, "Why the hell didn't he come out with it earlier?" The answer is
there for all to hear in the queer notions of immorality and perversion
expressed by the government in the Delhi high court.

At least, in this case the alleged revelation was made before the event,
faced up to, and sensible damage control measures taken. Mubarak ho.
Usually, all parties go into paralytic denial. Appearances are maintained,
even obligatory
but privately the gay guy also goes his own sexual way. The woman may
suspect, but she swallows the pill quietly. In our skewed perspective,
losing a husband to the Other Man is even more humiliating. The scenario
plays itself out behind scores of fig leaves, gilded and non.

Sometimes the farce collapses, and the informal is formalised. The man takes
up residence with his lover; the woman manages as best she can. I'm not
sitting in judgement for I have come to realise that homosexual
relationships are not just about serial lust, whatever the promiscuous
stereotypes of the shadowy world of 'those dirty queers'. I have been
stunned and humbled by the depth of the emotional involvement. Believe me,
dares not speak its name is sometimes far more true than the one that
so casually trips off our tongue.

The recent celebrity break-up may be a commendable exception, but, i repeat,
homosexuality is commoner than we want to believe. For the past eight
months, I have been doing an emotional-advice column in Mumbai Mirror and
some of its other-city editions. Earlier, I had played Agony Aunt on the
Talk Radio of Indiatimes. And in my much longer tenure as a journalist, I
have been exposed to the raw wounds of the young - and middle-aged. In all
these encounters, same-sex desire has surfaced with jaw-dropping,
gob-smacking, smugness-shattering regularity.

It is a deeper angst because it has had to remain subterranean - and so has
festered. Like AIDS, homosexuality is not a deadly disease. The real killers
are the opportunistic infections. In the case of gays, these are social,
legal and not restricted to the sleazy cop harassing poor guys doing nothing
more criminal that satisfying their basic natural instincts. My awed salaams
to the health minister for so bravely throwing his weight against the
terrorising Section 377 IPC.

Of course, it's not only A Man Thing. The very day that I heard about the
rumoured cause of the broken celebrity engagement, I had emailed my next
Mirror advice on the very same dilemma. In this case it was the heartfelt
cry of a young woman whose long-time lesbian love was being forcibly married
off. I had expressed greater concern for the girl who would be trapped in an
emotionally and physically mauling relationship. The parental 'face' that it
was meant to 'save' would be lost much more when the truth surfaced. I had
urged my advice-seeker to make her lover summon the courage to refuse to
enter a marriage which would leave no party unscathed.

But I also knew that my counsel was useless. Convention is not just a
stubborn old crone, it is also congenitally deaf. For how long will all of
us be blind?

Alec Smart said: "No stains, no blame for Modi government. Should we call it
the Nonovati Commission?"

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