*Protest against police harassment of MSM and Hijras*

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On Monday, 20th of October 2008, police at Girinagar police station,
Bangalore had arrested 5 Hijras.  Further police arrested a team of
volunteers involved in crisis intervention activities from Sangama, who
approached police asking the reason for arresting Hijras.

The Assistant commissioner of Police along with another Police Inspector
threatened and stripped some of the activists in police station to check
their gender.

Members of dalit groups, sex workers groups, garment and textile unions and
human rights groups reached police station were protesting outside the
police station against this act of police, who were lathi charged  and
undergwent physical and sexual harassment.

The whole group was produced before a magistrate after several calls and
protests by lawyers and other activists and were finally released on bail in
evening on Tuesday, 21st of October 2008.

In Mumbai on Thursday, 13th of November 2008 the Queer Azaadi March group

( QAM ) called for a protest at Marathi Patrakar Sangh and later a public
protest was held in Azaad Maidan. Tr. Gauri from Sakhi Charchoughi
Trust,  Mumbai,
Sumati from Sangama Bangalore and Mr. Sunil Babu Panth from Blue Dimond
Society, Nepal were invited to speak to the press. Anand Grover the noted
lawyer from Lawyers Collective was present  at the protest and took
questions from the press as well as community on legal issues affecting
their lives and moral policing of the state.

The Bangalore incident was highlighted at the protest as it has send a wave
of fear among the MSM, TG and Lesbian groups in the country.

Some of the photographs of the protest can be viewed on the link given below


Girish Kumar

Humsafar Trust and QAM  Volunteer

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