Good letter etc... But I did not get the last line: I ve known since you
were 3 years old!

???? What did she mean??

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 2:28 PM, moderator <> wrote:

>     *Dear Mum & Dad...*
> Posted in: True Stories<>
> By Aaron from Dunedin - 9th February 2009
> Email this 
> article<?subject=Dear%20Mum%20%26%20Dad...&>
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>  *Nervous about coming out to his parents, 18-year old Aaron from Dunedin
> decided to write them a letter which he hoped would explain everything.*
> [image: letter.jpg]
> Aaron told us his situation via our Forum last week:
> *"I think tonight's the night I'm finally going to break it to my parents.
> They've been continually asking me of I'm ok, if everything's all right,
> what's happening in my life etc etc. They know something's up but they don't
> know what. Apparently they've been fighting a wee bit because of it too. How
> do I break it to them? Do I just sit down and say "mum, dad... I'm gay? I've
> already told all my mates and my sister but the mum and dad... a wee bit
> different."*
> Then, a couple of days later:
> *"I did it. Finally thought the time was right. So I wrote this for them
> and left it on their bed before I went out to go clubbing. Couldn't handle
> doing it in person."*
>  ------------------------------
> *Dear Mum & Dad,*
> No doubt both of you are a little confused by the way that you're reading
> this letter. Each of you with a copy, sealed in envelopes within an envelope
> with the instruction to only read at home together. Well, you'll soon know.
> I want to share something about my life that is important because I love
> you. I am gay.
> To be completely honest, I cannot predict how you will be responding, what
> thoughts will be running through your minds. Why is our son gay? What did we
> do to make him gay? Will he ever be happy? What will everyone else think? --
> these are just some of the questions I think you might be pondering. I am
> writing this letter because although it shouldn't be, this is very hard for
> me to tell you. In any case, I hope this will allow you to go over what I
> want to say at a pace you're comfortable with, and to take in these ideas
> and concepts as you're ready for them.
> The first thing I want you to know is that I have always been gay, this is
> not a temporary phase, and it is not something I ever "chose" or "decided"
> to be. I've thought about it a lot, and as best as I can remember, I first
> knew I was gay at age 13 or 14, although it took a few more years for me to
> fully realize the full implications of what it meant to be gay. But even
> years earlier, I knew I was different. I am completely convinced that being
> gay is the way I was born, and nothing you or anyone else ever did "made" me
> gay. My natural orientation and preference is toward other men, and as for
> its being a "choice," my only choice, as I see it, has been whether to be
> open and honest about my feelings, or to continue to deny and hide them.
> Being gay is simply part of who I am -- and a part I've been longing to
> share with you for quite some time. In the years that have passed since
> then, keeping this a secret from you has become more and more of a burden.
> It has also placed an invisible wall between us in that I cannot share with
> you much of what goes on in my life, something that straight children take
> for granted. I could not share the excitement of meeting somebody new nor
> the pain when things didn't work out. I have spent many nights crying with a
> broken heart, alone, unable to call you for support.
> I know that you may be feeling shocked, confused, angry, and sad; and
> perhaps you might feel that, somewhere along the way, you have failed as
> parents. From what I have read, these are common reactions. You have not
> failed as parents; you have both been wonderful. You have raised me to be
> kind, thoughtful, caring and honest. You have taught me social values, moral
> principles and respect. To treat others as I want to be treated, to love
> others as I want to be loved. No single thing can be more valuable than the
> generosity of these gifts you have given to me in my life. Nobody chooses to
> be gay and I accept myself and am happy with who I am. I have told Kahlia,
> and Anette and Sean know too. My friends have known for some time as well
> and the majority of them accept me. I hope that you will be happy for me.
> Although I knew very early about being gay, I kept it inside me for a very
> long time. Most of the time, I wished it didn't have to be that way, that it
> didn't have to be a big secret, but I was petrified of anybody knowing or
> finding out but one incident convinced me I had no choice but to tell you.
> Dad, I don't know if you remember this particular conversation we had a few
> weeks ago, but I hope it at least sounds vaguely familiar to you. I had been
> spending a lot of time with Chantelle. One day we were driving somewhere in
> the car. At this point, Dad, you asked me if you could ask me something
> personal -- I said sure, expecting what was coming: you asked if Chanty and
> I were beginning to see each other as boyfriend and girlfriend, or at least
> if thoughts like that had come up. I told you that I hadn't really ever
> thought about her that way, and that she was just a good friend (which is
> completely the truth). At that point, I saw a quick flash of disappointment
> in your face, which you tried to hide, but which nevertheless evidenced
> through. And at that point, Dad, seeing that look on your face, and for
> weeks afterward, I wanted nothing more than to tell you "Dad, I'm very
> happy. I happen to be interested in guys, not girls, but all the same I've
> had my crushes, there have been guys I was interested in, in that respect,
> although I'm interested in other guys, I'm a happy, healthy, typical
> 18-year-old." -- but all that was something that couldn't be said, at least
> not until I came out to you. That is why I knew you had to be told.
> Part of me thinks that you might have suspected for some time that I am gay
> since I hardly ever brought home girls while in school and I never talk
> about dating or women now. On the other hand, my being gay may have come as
> a complete surprise to you and you may need to take some time to get used to
> the idea. Hopefully, a few years from now, our relationship will be closer
> than it has been in the past. This is part of the reason I am coming out to
> you: to tear down the wall between us. When we speak and you ask me what is
> going on in my life and I say, "Nothing," I have been lying. I haven't been
> lying to deceive you, but because I could not tell you the truth. This lying
> has been eating at me for some time now and I'm tired of it. So this was the
> choice I had to make: either keep lying and allow us to grow even farther
> apart from each other, or tell the truth and hopefully have a better
> relationship in the long run.
> I know you have always loved me very much. It was very hard to write this
> letter for fear of losing that love. I have cried several times while
> writing it. Although you may not understand about being gay, I hope that you
> still love me now. Know that I am the same person now as I was before you
> read this letter; you just know one more thing about me. I am still "Aaron."
> Although I am away tonight, I will be home tomorrow to answer any of the
> questions you may have as I'm sure there will be plenty. In the meantime, I
> would like you to take a look at this website
> I think it may be helpful answering
> some of your questions.
> Love,
> Aaron
>  ------------------------------
> *So what happened when Aaron's parents saw the letter? *
> He explains:
> *"They text me later that night after they'd read it and said 'of course
> we still love you, idiot, we never stopped loving you and we never will, we
> just want you to be happy and talk to us!'*
> *"There were a few tears and questions this morning but overall they were
> pretty good. *
> *"Mum said: 'I've known since you were 3 years old!'"*
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- Preyas
For true friendship..


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