Even I was straight

--- On Mon, 3/2/09, asfan <asfa...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: asfan <asfa...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: g_b Are you straight or gay?
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009, 6:39 PM

SHIT man, I came out STRAIGHT!!!! !!!!!!!!!

--- On Mon, 2/3/09, moderator <modera...@gaybombay .in> wrote:

From: moderator <modera...@gaybombay .in>
Subject: g_b Are you straight or gay?
To: gay_bom...@yahoogro ups.com, "GayAhmedabad" <gayahmedabad@ googlegroups.. 
com>, "GayBangalore" <gaybangalore@ googlegroups. com>, gaybom...@googlegro 
ups.com, "GayBombayGroup" <gaybombaygroup@ yahoogroups. com>, gaybombaygroup@ 
googlegroups. com, "Gaycalcutta" <gaycalcutta@ googlegroups. com>, 
gaycalcuttagroup@ yahoogroups. com, "GayChennai" <gaychen...@googlegr 
oups.com>, "Gaychennaigroup@ Yahoogroups. Com" <gaychennaigroup@ yahooogroups. 
com>, "GayDelhi" <gayde...@googlegrou ps.com>, "GayIndia" <gayin...@googlegrou 
ps.com>, "GayIndiaGroup" <gayindiagroup@ googlegroups. com>, "GayMumbai" 
<gaymum...@googlegro ups.com>, "LGBTIndia" <lgbtin...@googlegro ups.com>
Date: Monday, 2 March, 2009, 11:09 PM


Quiz: Are you straight or gay?
http://specials. rediff.com/ getahead/ 2009/mar/ 02quiz1-both- straight- 
March 2, 2008

Actor Vinay Pathak's latest release, Straight, debuts on March

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