US endorses UN gay rights text By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer Matthew
Lee, Associated Press Writer
Wed Mar 18, 3:08 pm ET

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration on Wednesday formally endorsed a U.N.
statement calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality, a
measure that former President George W. Bush had refused to sign.

The move was the administration's latest in reversing Bush-era decisions
that have been heavily criticized by human rights and other groups. The
United States was the only western nation not to sign onto the declaration
when it came up at the U.N. General Assembly in December.

"The United States supports the U.N.'s statement on human rights, sexual
orientation and gender identity and is pleased to join the other 66 U.N.
member states who have declared their support of the statement," said State
Department spokesman Robert Wood.

"The United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human
rights abuses around the world," Wood told reporters. "As such, we join with
other supporters of this statement, and we will continue to remind countries
of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all
appropriate international fora."

The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that the administration would
endorse the statement.

Gay rights groups hailed the move.

"The administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of
an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal
application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals," said Mark Bromley of the Council for Global
Equality, which promotes equal rights for homosexuals.

"This is long past overdue and we are encouraged by the signal it sends that
the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people will now be
considered human rights," said Rea Carey, the executive director of
the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

Human rights groups had criticized the Bush administration when it refused
to sign the statement when it was presented at the United Nations on Dec.
19. U.S. officials said then that the U.S. opposed discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation but that parts of the declaration raised legal
questions that needed further review.

According to negotiators, the Bush team had concerns that those sections
could commit the federal government on matters that fall under state
jurisdiction. In some states, landlords and private employers are allowed to
discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation; on the federal level, gays
are not allowed to serve openly in the military.

But Wood said a "careful interagency review" by the Obama administration had
concluded that "supporting this statement commits us to no legal

When it was voted on in December, 66 of the U.N.'s 192 member countries
signed the nonbinding declaration, which backers called an historic step to
push the General Assembly to deal more forthrightly with anti-gay
discrimination. It was endorsed by all 27 European Union members as well as
Japan, Australia and Mexico.

But 70 U.N. members outlaw homosexuality — and in several, homosexual acts
can be punished by execution. More than 50 nations, including members of the
Organization of the Islamic Conference, opposed the declaration.

Some Islamic countries said at the time that protecting sexual orientation
could lead to "the social normalization and possibly the legalization of
deplorable acts" such as pedophilia and incest. The declaration was also
opposed by the Vatican.

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