a poor translation of the website here but it conveys the gruesome message

7 bodies in the morgue in Baghdad .. And designated by the tribes, "and Jeraop 
Torturing homosexuals militias in Iraq, "Iranian glue" 

Iranian gum 
Torture of 63 people 
7 in Baghdad morgue 
"Jeraop" and "Tntp" 

7 have been dumping the bodies to the morgue 
Dubai - Hayyan Nayyouf, Baghdad - the Iraqi 

A prominent Iraqi human rights activist from the fact that the militia of the 
severe types of torture against Almlthein in the country, including "the 
closure of the Iranian Mwkharchm glue," said a doctor in a morgue in Baghdad, 
said that the bodies were thrown in front of 7 Musharanh, while a police 
officer said that the perpetrators are still unknown, and published in the 
context of the "Arab. Net" on homosexuals in Iraq. 

The press reports were published a few days ago reported, quoting local sources 
in Sadr City, eastern Baghdad, by an unknown group calling itself the "right 
people", the prosecution of same-sex residents of the city after the killing of 
a number of them in the past few days. 

The sources said that the "3 lists with 10 names for boys gay briefly suspended 
for hours in Sadr City." And confirmed the presence of the word says, "we will 
doom you, you Alvajeryn." And earlier this month found the bodies of 3 young 
gay shot. 

Iranian gum 

The Iraqi human rights activist Mohamed Lisnard prominent of the "Arab. Net," 
"The Iraqi militias embarked on a new form of torture is not unprecedented 
against homosexuals is the use of adhesive is very strong within the Mwkharchm 
to be completely closed." 

"The article called gum-Amiri, an Iranian lead to gum paste intercommunication 
so that the skin can not be opened only with a surgery, and post-closure rule 
is given to facilitating and get diarrhea, drink, and there is no outlet, and 
this may lead to death, these things were distributed in short clips on mobile 
phones in the Baghdad. " 

The active and that the attack against the Iraqi Almlthein started since 3 
weeks, and dozens of them long, on the basis of religious fatwas calling for 

Lennart Mohammed attributed the exacerbation of the phenomenon of gay religious 
climate control, explaining that "eliminated the mixing of men and women, 
particularly in areas such as the" revolution "in Baghdad and other parts of 
the religious institutions, where the streets were empty of women completely, 
and thus mixing with the younger generation only girls with male prisoners 
home. " 

And called for respect for human Almlthein in Iraq, noting that "the 
prosecution does not come only by Shiite clerics, but also there the year they 
may be executed on the satellite channels because of homosexuality." 
Torture of 63 people 

For his part, said "good", which is from the Department of the same of Iraq, 
based in London, the "Arab. Net," The attacks on homosexuals are concentrated 
in the Shiite areas and the poorest and most closed areas such as the southern 
provinces and regions of the flame of freedom, and Sadr in Baghdad, noting that 
torture is a long 63 people them. 

The use of "glue Iran" in the process of torture, said: "I've spoken with many 
young people who had been subjected to this torture and then go to hospital for 
treatment was denied treatment in some." 

The "good": "We are an organization banned in Iraq. As we are, it is difficult 
to Nhsih but it is generally accepted in the global studies that homosexuals 
are 10% of any society in the world." 

The "pan-religious Shi'ites and Sunnis in Iraq are calling for the eradication 
of homosexuals, but the Shiites support the campaign the first place." 

"We tell them that homosexuality is not an option, but a person born in this 
way, and we call for the defense of human rights irrespective of nationality 
and ethnic identity," adding "there is no position from the U.S. State 
Department or the British to condemn what happened so as not to provoke the ire 
of the Iraqi government, but Amnesty International condemned what happened. "   
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 


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