Senegalese Gay Activists Freed   By Fid Thompson
*20 April 2009*

 Nine Senegalese men who had been sentenced to lengthy prison terms for
homosexual acts were set free Monday after winning an appeal of their

In a packed courtroom in downtown Dakar, the appeals court pardoned all nine
defendants and overturned charges of committing unnatural acts and criminal

Biram Sassoum Sy, who led the defense team, says the men are completely
cleared of any crime or wrongdoing and the case will not be pursued. When
they were apprehended, arrested and sentenced, he says the law was broken at
every step. The trial, he says, is invalid and they are free to go.

Most of the defendants worked for HIV/AIDS programs targeting men who have
sex with men. They were arrested at the home of a prominent gay activist in

Sy says the police went to the defendant's house after neighbors tipped them
off. The attorney says police arrested the men without a warrant and
extorted a confession through bullying and harassment.

Senegalese law prohibits homosexual activity but requires that the suspect
be caught in the act. A search warrant is also necessary if police are to
enter a private home. Sy says the original judgment was hasty and emotional,
and correct legal procedure was not followed.

The maximum penalty for homosexual activity is five years. The sentencing
judge in this case added another three years for criminal conspiracy. The
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Cape Town said no
other African country has handed down such a severe sentence.

Despite the positive outcome of the appeal, AIDS activists in Senegal are
concerned about the effect the trial will have on HIV programs serving men
who have sex with men.

Daouda Diouf, director of community-led HIV programs at Enda Tiers Monde -
an international non-profit organization based in Dakar, says AIDS work with
homosexuals will take time to return to the level it was at before. He says
the trial has created a lot of fear and the people working with this
community feel threatened. It will take time to build up trust again, he
says, so they can conduct HIV/AIDS activities without fearing for their

Diouf says that if HIV is not controlled in vulnerable groups like the
homosexual community, it will be impossible to manage the HIV epidemic in
Senegal. These men, he says, are key players in the country's fight against

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