Dear Member,

I am thinking to shoot a video which will focus on dressing sense of people in 
delhi(for now). I know it may be or can sound bitchy. But seriously this will 
be just for fun to show how horrible can people dress and think they are 
looking cool. Ofcourse i am not a fashion critic and this will be purely my 
point  of view on dressing sense.
What you think guys its safe to shoot this kind of video ?

PS : The video will be posted on LGBT Association of India yahoo group (Link 
mentioned below). So inorder to see this video and its comment I will 
appreciate the respective group.
Well for me this group is no nonsence and provide valuable information about 
LGBT in india and worldwide and according to admin this groupwill be having 
more spices in future soon


Join : LGBT Assocation of India (Pink Stone)


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