The universe started with chaos ……and there was no reason for the meet not to 
start with confusions J!
The meet started with multiple waiting points, lots of directing and 
redirecting those who were coming newly, with a majority turning up at the new 
place, as we waited to pick up any who would have come to the earlier place 
…..and were rewarded (FA… the CCD guy  served us (he alone makes it worth the 
coffee at CCD :-D ) and we collected someone too :p)
Reaching the venue, it was already a packed house with some 25+ppl already in, 
with lots of new faces in the crowd.
After the routine formal round of introduction was done with, we got around to 
talk. As usual we had not brought a pre determined topic so as to talk on 
something on someone’s mind.
The newbies started off the talk by sharing what had made them take the step 
towards coming in for a meet, …. some who had started coming after being on the 
mailing list for several years, some having heard of it on the train or through 
other friends.
The reasons ranged from seeking out for a relation or friends or just a group 
where one can be himself.
T talked about the picnic as we happily recounted the first time he had come as 
a doubting quiet introvertl and a now much more confident and confident person.
GB has had a strict no sex on premises policy since inception. Should this be 
After all, if we do not stand against sex, if we can distribute condoms and 
lubes at parties earlier, why should sex be so strictly controlled at events 
was one question that came up.
Nearly all felt that, though having sex is not unwelcome (who would seriously 
expect otherwise !), its best that we do not bring it in, as it would dilute 
the very reason of having a meet or get together which we have come for.
“B” elaborated on this pretty well on why he would like to keep the events free 
from any hanky panky …….. of course there were hoots and interests when someone 
said there are other organisations to organize a “more intimate” event and a gb 
meet is something that caters to a very different thing for all and should be 
left so ( and then selfishly no one shared those  vital information or other 
organisations    K)
The talk then turned to on the times when we have had support from such groups, 
with the host and others sharing some of their experiences and as we talked in 
general of the various groups that work on the LGBT front in Mumbai.
One of the feedbacks that did come in was that during the meets we could 
organize small events other than just chatting up …. Maybe games or maybe some 
more serious discussion on issues facing each of us.
This was something that all were unanimous about, and yeah….the effects should 
be at the next meet.
Also that fact that the newbies should be offered more space to talk and get 
comfortable was brought out.
It was observed by few that though many people do come with an intention to 
make friends (or maybe meet that special one), the hesitation in talking to 
strangers, or when both wait for the other to initiate conversation and 
continue it post the meet, is one of the key reasons of many to come and go 
back as alone.
Personally, I think its perfectly normal to go and say a Hi to some one you 
would like to speak to…… rather these are the spaces that you know you can 
comfortably talk and not end up climbing a wrong tree and make friends …. If we 
keep going back without knowing anyone outside the meet, ….well it does defeat 
somewhat the purpose of the meet …..rt?            (ofcourse keeping in mind 
that you do not start KKKKKkKiran :p )
Phew, it was getting a bit too serious by now (we R gay baby!) and we each of 
us recounted some embarrassing or funny incident when we had hit on a str8 
This part was fun as some recounted the incidents or hits and misses made.
In between snacked on the spread of dhoklas and samosas and what not ….burp! 
With these and other small talks, it was getting near 9 by now and so we wound 
up ….taking another 20 minutes talking and chatting after the meet was declared 
Some of the guys headed for a dinner together while some headed back home or 
elsewhere :p
Thanks a lot to the host, who really went to great pains to make us comfortable 
and burp well.
[ps- more meatier details in other reports :-D  ]

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