The govt should this
The courts should do that
ppl shud not wear masks
what is there today is wrong
what is going to happen is as bad if not more.
but then as an individual how are you carrying the stone on which the 
foundation is sought to be built? 
Wanna have a secure house.?    lift the stone to build it n not cast on others.

--- On Thu, 18/6/09, Prashant <> wrote:

From: Prashant <>
Subject: g_b Re: NEVER READY FOR IT
Cc:, "GayAhmedabad" <>, 
"GayBangalore" <>, "GayBombay" 
<>, "GayBombay Blogger" 
<>, "GayBombayGroup" 
<>, "Gaycalcutta" <>,, "GayChennai" <>, 
"GayDelhi" <>, "GayIndia" <>, 
"time84x...@post. wordpress. com" <>
Date: Thursday, 18 June, 2009, 5:57 PM

I think 377 may be removed any time now, may be next month when the courts open 
after summer vacations or a little later. The hearing in the Delhi High Court 
was over in October, 2008 and only verdict has to come. The proceedings and the 
attitude of the judges during the last 4-5 days of hearing made it clear that 
377 will be removed. They only have to see that there is no law and order 
problem the day verdict comes. They will have to make some police arrangement 
before verdict is announced. The court might inform the government in advance 
to make suitable arrangements. 
However, I do not think that removal of 377 is going to help Indian 
gay community in any way. Indian homosexuals will not be able to surface out 
and start living with their partners openly after 377 is removed. Homosexuality 
will keep operating as a hidden and underground sub-culture in India as usual. 
In fact, 377 has already been removed in practice. The government of India is 
not enforcing it now. They allow flavoured condoms meant for oral sex to be 
manufactured and marketed openly, they install condom vending machines in 
military barracks for soldiers who have anal sex with each other since they 
remain away from their wives for prolonged periods, all gay sites remain openly 
accessible in India, gay parties openly allowed in metros, gay men remaining 
openly involved in sexual activities in city parks in Mumbai when cops turning 
a blind eye to them and so on. IPC 377 now exists on paper only.  Whether we 
remove it from paper or not is immaterial.
 The Sri Lankan Government has even said to its gay community that we are not 
enforcing law banning anal sex, so they can have anal sex if they want. 
What we want is the acceptability of homosexuality in India which will come 
through education. The government must publicize the findings of medical 
science about homosexuality in India through newspapers, radio, TV etc. and 
other means of mass communication. The government must heavily advertise that 
homosexuality is not a mental disorder and it is a normal human behaviour. The 
Government should also launch special drives so that married gay men come out 
in the open and take divorce from their wives. Making same-sex Marriage Law is 
the first step in creating the acceptability of homosexuals in the society. 
Nothing less than this will work. Nepal's Supreme Court has already ordered 
Nepal Government to make Same-sex Marriage Law within 6 months. Since 6 months 
are already over, somebody might now file a contempt petition in the court to 
remind the Government to make the law. Nepal is presently going on under 
political turmoil; otherwise the law might
 already have been made by now. 
Removal of 377 only helps in establishing the existence of male homosexuals in 
the society. The Government of India has already accepted our existence but a 
common man has yet to do so. Previously, the Government of India was also not 
recognising the existence of homosexuality in the society. However, after AIDS 
came into picture, the government had to do it. Now, if not all then at least 
those government documents and reports which are prepared in connection of HIV 
and AIDS prevention work always use two words together - prostitutes and 
homosexuals (they have coined the word 'MSM' for homosexuals but they never use 
the words ‘MSW’ or ‘WSM’ for themselves). It shows that the government of India 
has accepted the existence of homosexuals on earth. However, a common man is 
yet to do so categorically. So far a common man on the street thinks that there 
are some men who take young boys to deserted spots and they rape them. A common 
man also knows
 that there are some men in the society who want that another man performs anal 
sex on them. A common man thinks that these two types of men are known as 
homosexuals and they suffer from a mental disease. A common man also thinks 
that the number of such homosexuals is very small in the society, just one in 
lakhs. However, all this information in informally available to a common man. 
He has picked it up from no formal source. 
When we remove 377, a common man will come to know in a formal way about the 
existence of a class named 'MSM' in the society, just like the government has 
accepted it now. However, besides establishing the existence of MSM's, nothing 
more will be accomplished by removal of 377. A common man will continue hating 
homosexuals, as he does now. When we remove 377 as a measure to prevent AIDS, 
the common man on the street will think that the govt. had to do this since 
homosexuals are an unavoidable evil and we shall have to tolerate them since we 
cannot eliminate them. Homosexuality will be thought like prostitution. We are 
also on our path to legalise prostitution since it has been found that 
prostitution cannot be stopped by any means so it is better to legalise it. 
Prostitution has been accepted by the society as an unavoidable evil. By 
removal of 377, we will declare homosexuality also as an unavoidable evil. In 
fact, the Planning Commission has already
 recommended to the Government of India in its report that both prostitution 
and homosexuality be legalised to prevent AIDS. I consider it as an ultimate 
insult to me that I am equated with a prostitute simply because I have a desire 
to live with a man rather than a woman in my house. But I am helpless. 
A common man’s hate for homosexuals may increase by the removal of 377. He may 
think that while AIDS is a menace for everybody, it has proved to be a boon for 
homosexuals. Please also keep in mind that removal of 377 will also permit anal 
sex between a man and a woman. Since most heterosexual men consider such anal 
sex as a severe perversion, the people will simply keep on wondering why the 
government has removed 377 which was a perfect way to stop pervert acts. 
Further, removal of 377 is no help in establishing the existence of lesbians in 
the society. 
Removal of 377 is also no help in telling a common people that the number of 
homosexuals and bisexuals combined together is not as small as he thinks; on 
the contrary, it is about 10% of the whole population. 
Removal of 377 is no help in telling the people that homosexuality is not a 
synonym of anal sex. It will fail to tell a common man that homosexuality is a 
complete way of life and not just anal sex. It also fails in telling the 
society that there is a large section of male homosexuals which does not like 
to indulge in anal sex. Our aim is to tell the people that just like there are 
some heterosexuals who want to live with one partner under the same roof 
throughout their life and want to take care of each other in their thick and 
thin and want to share with their partner everything which they have, similarly 
there are many homosexuals also who want to do just this. Our aim is to tell 
the society that just like there are some heterosexuals who want that their 
relation with their partner is recognized by the society and the government of 
the country in which they live and they get legal, financial, and medical 
rights of marriage, similarly there are some
 homosexuals who also want all these same things. Finally, as homosexuals, we 
want to come out of our closet and we want to declare that we feel pain when we 
are forced to pretend to be heterosexuals all our lives and when our secret 
that we are born with an alternate sexual orientation just burns with us in our 
pyre. Removal of 377 is no help in this. 
I am against removal of 377 unless it is also accompanied by making of Same-sex 
Marriage Law which I consider is the first step in creating our acceptability 
in the society. I believe that just a plain removal of 377 is an insult to us, 
it equates us to prostitutes and it will do more harm than good to us. 

Nothing much is going to happen after 377 goes. There are some gay 
organizations in India who are promoting and distributing condoms among gay 
men. Presently, the organizations have to keep a low profile in the sense that 
they cannot put signboard in front of their offices. After 377 is removed, they 
will come out openly and seek donations from the government, condom 
manufactureres, people involved in AIDS prevention work and some other sources 
by publishing advertisements in newspapers. 90% of these donations they will 
pocket and remaining 10% they will actually use for condom distribution.
Needless to say that the gay men will come to these organizations under deep 
secracy to receive condoms. They will never tell their parents or wives that 
they are gay and they are going to a AIDS prevention camp, unlike the way a 
normal husband-wife go to a family planning camp.
During gay pride parades in Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata etc., some of the 
participants wear face masks. Is that the distiny and is that the fate of gay 
community which we are envisaging?

--- On Mon, 15/6/09, modera...@gaybombay .in <modera...@gaybombay .in> wrote:

http://www.telegrap 1090613/jsp/ opinion/story_ 11100934. jsp


In India, the State now speaks in many tongues on homosexuality. Different 
ministries have come up with bafflingly different positions on the matter. So 
far, on the ‘reading down’ of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (the archaic 
law that ends up criminalizing adult consensual homosexuality in India), the 
courts have sounded progressive, the health ministry encouraging, and the law 
and home ministries regressive. The regressiveness is alarming, not only 
because of the astonishing ignorance, indeed blindness, of its “India is not 
ready for it yet” position, but also because of the schizophrenic divide 
regarding sex and sexuality within the State that shows up when the health 
ministry’s view is compared with those of the law and home ministries. Yet the 
health ministry’s ‘positive’ stance is founded on fear and caution rather than 
principled thinking — on the same sort of logic that underlies action against 
swine ’flu or SARS: if the
 law is not changed, then it will be difficult to stop people from dying of 
AIDS. So when the law minister makes vague public noises to the effect that 
some bits of the IPC “may be” outdated, and Section 377 “could be” one of these 
bits, then it really does not amount to very much. But by now, hanging on to 
every word that the State lets fall on the matter, and then trying to make 
sense of them, have become part of the entire struggle for legal and social 
change that the movement against Section 377 has become in India. 
This movement remains largely confined, though, to those who are victimized by 
Section 377 — that is, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community, 
mostly among urban (and sometimes provincial), middle-class Indians. Annual 
parades and candle-lit vigils, again mostly in the big cities and often (though 
not always) associated with HIV/AIDS, are when this community is given some 
visibility in the media, although of a stereotypically colourful kind. Or when 
big-budget Bollywood indulges in a bit of innocuous same-sex fun, people talk 
about it for a while, usually with light-hearted titters, as if chatting about 
exotic lifestyle options. But with food, weddings, cricket and elections being 
the nation’s chief obsessions, the closet rather than the courtroom is where 
the matter is invariably laid to rest. 
Why does it remain virtually impossible to figure out what the nation’s leaders 
think about men having sex with men, or women having sex with women? Does the 
Rashtrapati Bhavan or the Prime Minister’s Office have a view on homosexuality? 
Would the Gandhis, particularly the younger ones, speak up for it? What does 
Agatha Sangma, the Lok Sabha’s youngest minister, think about it? How does 
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee feel about the sexual orientation of his beloved 
Proust? All these right-thinking people would not think twice before speaking 
up against untouchability, apartheid or female circumcision. So why this 
silence, or slipperiness, about this other, universally acknowledged, form of 

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