This is really horrible. I hope  your partner is alright now. 
Best wishes,

--- On Sun, 7/12/09, Aditya Bondyopadhyay <> wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay <>
To: "Sogi" <>
Date: Sunday, July 12, 2009, 2:16 AM

It is 2AM in Kolkata and I am writing out of great concern about a phone that I 
just received from my partner. He is in Delhi and has been attending a gay 
party that was organised in a farmhouse by Aseem and Girish, just outside of 
the Badarpur Border in Delhi. There are atleast 200 people who are attending 
the party.
At the pool of this farmhouse, in front of scores of people my partner was 
approached by a young guy of about 22-23 who was wearing an orange T-shirt, who 
asked him he was the same person who was seen on TV after the High Court 
Judgement on 377. When my partner confirmed this, he proceeded to say that he 
was from some islamic group which opposes the judgement and thereafter slash my 
partner in the arm and leg with a piece of broken glass. My partner said he is 
bleeding profusely and that after slashing him the person and two other ran 
away in full sight of everyone...
Even though he was bleeeding badly, my partner contated the organisers of the 
party immideately, whose main concern at that moment was apparentlly to hush 
things so that no alarm is raised. They did not do anything to either apprehend 
the offenders or to provide any kind of first aid even They just asked my 
partner to leave immideately and see a doctor.
Right now, my BF is in a car with another friend being taken to the hospital. I 
am very worried. I asked him if he wanted to file a police complaint, but he is 
too scared to do so. The fact that I am not there at this moment and am in 
Kolkata is also making him more scared. I will update you as soon as I get news 
of what the doctor has said. I will try and convince him to file a police 
report soon....
But this raises two issue of concern. 
First the opposition is now infiltrating gay spaces and even these spaces are 
not safe. I fear that such attacks may recur, so everyone needs to be very 
The second pertains to the social responsibility of organisers of such parties. 
They should not be so blinded by their economic and money making concerns that 
they give a total go by to all aspects of safety. This is exactly what they did 
by first not cheking the antecedents of those coming in (anyone who pays up is 
welcome), nor did they help by trying to keep things quiet and neither trying 
to catch the culprit nor help the injured.
I urge all to be safe, especially in spaces where many gays come. I urge social 
responsibility be exhibited by the organisers beyond mere profit motives. I 
will keep you all updated. Right now I am worried sick...
Aditya Bondyopadhyay


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