Has this good doctor not heard of female secretaries being consensually 
exploited at the workplace?
Or the case of one Preeti Jain against Madhur Bhandarkar - 'consensual' rape 
for 3 years?
These things happen everywhere, irrespective of the sex or social standing of 
the victim. What's his point?

All the medical jargon that we learn about the harms of anal sex are good on 
paper, but he clearly hasn't experienced it himself!
It is painful and has the potential for harm, but when he 'accepts' us and 
feels we deserve to be treated well, does he expect us to stay celibate? Or 
indulge in the oh-so popular form of 'body sex'?

Finally, does he really feel no one is indulging in anal sex just coz its 

Its really disheartening to read such crap from the educated elite... Someone 
please snatch his degree away.
As for KEM -- All those closeted gays need to finally come out of their 
homophobic garbs.

From: "modera...@gaybombay.in" <modera...@gaybombay.in>
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Sent: Tuesday, 14 July, 2009 10:45:06 AM
Subject: g_b Gay rights is ok, but what about health risks?

rights is ok, but what about health risks?
Dr Rajan B Bhonsle
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:52 IST
http://www.dnaindia .com/india/ comment_gay- rights-is- ok-but-what- 
about-health- risks_1273735
All human beings have equal worth and therefore
straight or gay, everyone has the right to live with dignity. I am all for
"equal human rights" for gays and to not treat them like some
inferior species or second-class citizens. They are as much human as anyone and
thus deserve to be treated humanely.
Being a medical practitioner in the field of sexual medicine for over two
decades, I have seen severe medical complications arising out of
"consensual sodomy" or "anal sex", whether between two
homosexuals, or even when it has been compelled on a woman by a man.
The physical and emotional trauma of these victims stirs my heart and cannot
go unmentioned in the midst of all this debate of "de-criminalising
consensual sexual behavior in privacy between two same-sex individuals". I
fully agree with every scripture that separates the person from the action.
Therefore, I reiterate that while all human beings should be viewed and treated
"equally" with the same human dignity by law and society, all sexual
acts done by anyone gay or straight, if causing physical or emotional trauma to
another, (whether minor or major), should also be punishable.
Kiran was a 20-year-old frail boy from a poor family. His father was dead
and his mother was old and ill with two younger sisters at home to support. He
got a job of a peon in a private office after a lot of struggle. His boss, a
46-year-old rich married man, fancied anal sex. He pressurised Kiran to have 
sex with him after office hours in his cabin. Kiran felt helpless as this job
was vital for him. He consented to the demands of his boss. 
A few months later, when he approached a doctor, he had developed infected
painful fissures at his anus and had partially lost control on the mechanism of
the anal opening which was not functioning due to the injuries during anal sex.
He had lost his job and had no courage to approach the police as he felt he had
neither the moral right nor the legal standing as he was major and had
"consented" to this act.
Deepak, a 32-year-old married government employee was a bisexual. He would
indulge in anal sex with some of his male office colleagues 'consensually' for
mutual pleasure. His wife was completely oblivious to this side of her husband.
Deepak also never felt that his secret parallel life would ever affect his
During the second pregnancy of his wife, the obstetrician detected that she
was not only HIV positive, but her tests for Syphilis, Hepatitis-B and Genital
Herpes were also found positive. Deepak too was tested positive for these four
STDs. It was obvious that Deepak had contracted all these STDs from his
multiple homosexual contacts and now his wife and unborn child were also
victims of these life threatening infections.
In all the cases, the involved individuals were 'adults' and were engaging
into anal sex with 'mutual consent' in 'privacy'. Doctors get to see several
such cases. I wish all those who are critical of section 377 of the Indian
Penal Code (1860) need to give serious consideration to their demands. The
legal experts, social activists, gay organisations and the media cannot afford
to be ignorant about possibilities such as these.
It also needs to be noted that as per Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code,
'anal sex' is a punishable offence, even when it is happening between husband
and wife with mutual consent. Any sexual activity is a matter of personal
choice, but should be with genuine mutual consent. As a medical expert, I would
like to talk about some medical facts related to anal sex. Medical science
regards anal sex as "high-risk behavior". 
Physiologically, the anus is not designed for penetration by any hard
object. The anal sphincter tightens ordinarily if stimulated, as a protective
reflex action, and any attempt at penile insertion may be distressing even if
done slowly and gradually. If the penis is forced into the anus, injury is
possible. The lining (mucus membrane) of the rectum is very thin, tears easily,
does not heal fast and therefore is vulnerable to infections. 
Also, the tears can enlarge to a fissure or a crack leading to the outside
of your body. There is also a possibility that a fistula could open up,
allowing faeces to re-route into the abdominal cavity or into the vagina. This
can cause serious surgical complications. One may lose control over the anal
sphincter causing continuous involuntary leakage of faecal matter. 
Some of the micro-organisms that are normally present in the anus of even a
healthy individual are known for causing severe urinary infection if they enter
the urethra and urinary tract. During anal sex the urethra actually enters the
rectum, inviting infective bacteria into the urethra and thus the urinary
tract. Repeated urinary infection can cause serious problems such as renal
damage and even kidney failure.
Masters & Johnson in their book on 'Sex and Human Loving' warn, that
because bacteria are naturally present in the anus, anything that has been
inserted into the anus if subsequently put into the vagina, can cause severe
vaginal infections. Therefore moving from anal intercourse to vaginal
intercourse is extremely hazardous.
The rate of transmission of HIV (and other STDs) through anal sex is much
higher compared to other penetrative sexual acts. It will be enlightening to
know that the condom, which is thought to be a means of "so-called safe
sex", is not designed for anal sex by the manufacturers. Anal sex involves
a totally different kind of pressure dynamics, and the latex or polyurethane
condoms are not manufactured keeping these pressure dynamics in mind. The
condom is far more likely to get torn during anal sex (thus paving the way for
the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STDs). Therefore I reiterate that anal
sex even with the use of a condom is definitely a "high risk
Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that as a society, we need to
learn to accept all "persons" with equal human rights irrespective of
their choices, but we do reserve the right to reject certain
"behaviors" that are injurious to the health of those persons or
others connected to them. Those choosing to be in loving same-sex relationships
are no less human and do not deserve any less respect than anyone else.
Therefore, an equal human approach must be adopted by the moral keepers of our
society and by the law of our land in this regard.
(Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, MD is a senior sex therapist in Mumbai. He is an Hon.
professor and head of the department of sexual medicine at Seth GS Medical
College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai)
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