July 20, 2009

South Africa Is Seen to Lag in H.I.V. Fight

ORANGE FARM, South Africa — Young men have flocked by the thousands to this 
clinic for circumcisions, the only one of its kind in South Africa.. Each of 
them lies down on one of seven closely spaced surgical tables, his privacy 
shielded only by a green curtain.
“I’ve done 53 in a seven-hour day, me, myself, personally,” said Dr. Dino Rech, 
who helped design the highly efficient surgical assembly line at this 
French-financed clinic for cutting off foreskins.
Circumcision has been proven to reduce a man’s risk of contracting H.I.V. by 
more than half. Yet two years after the World Health Organization recommended 
the surgery, the government here still does not provide it to help fight the 
disease or educate the public about its benefits.
Some other African nations are championing the procedure and bringing it to 
thousands. But in South Africa, the powerhouse country at the heart of the 
epidemic, the government has been notably silent, despite the withering 
international criticism the country has endured for its previous foot-dragging 
in fighting and treating AIDS.
“Countries around us with fewer resources, both human and financial, are able 
to achieve more,” said Dr. Quarraisha Abdool Karim, the first director of South 
Africa’s national AIDS program in the mid-1990s under President Nelson Mandela. 
“I wish I understood why South Africa, which has an enviable amount of 
resources, is not able to respond to the epidemic the way Botswana and Kenya 
Even without government involvement, demand for the surgery, performed free 
under local anesthetic, has surged over the last year here at the Orange Farm 
clinic. The men are counseled to continue using condoms since circumcision 
provides partial, though substantial protection.
Men waited nervously one recent chilly morning for their turn. Most were hoping 
the procedure would help them stay healthy here in the nation with more 
H.I.V.-positive people than any other.
But some said they were also drawn by a surprising, if powerful, motivation: 
They had heard from recently circumcised friends that it makes for better sex. 
You last longer, they said. Your lovers think you’re cleaner and more exciting 
in bed.
“My girlfriend was nagging me about this,” said Shane Koapeng, 24. “So I was 
like, ‘O.K., let me do it.’ ”
As new H.I.V. infections have continued to outpace efforts to treat the sick in 
Africa, there is growing concern about the ballooning costs of treatment for an 
ever-expanding number of patients who need medicines for the rest of their 
lives. Almost two million people were newly infected in 2007 in sub-Saharan 
Africa, bringing the total of those living with H.I.V. in the region to 22 
million, according to United Nations estimates.
The major international donors to AIDS programs, including the United States 
and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, are ready to pour 
money into male circumcision, but the countries have to be ready to accept the 
“You can’t impose it from the outside, particularly such a sensitive 
intervention,” said the Global Fund’s executive director, Dr. Michel 
Public health doctors agree that circumcising millions of men will be no simple 
task. Africa has a severe shortage of doctors and nurses, and circumcision is 
potentially a political and cultural minefield in countries where some ethnic 
groups practice it but others do not.
Still, some countries are showing it can be done. In Botswana, circumcision was 
largely stopped in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by British 
colonial-era administrators and Christian missionaries.
But Festus Mogae, who was president from 1998 to 2008, provided a critical 
endorsement of male circumcision just before he stepped down.
Over the past year, the government has trained medical teams to do 
circumcisions in all its public hospitals and aims by 2016 to have circumcised 
470,000 males from infancy to age 49, which is 80 percent of the total number 
in that group.
Public awareness is being raised through advertisements on radio and 
television. Billboards have sprouted across the country featuring a star of the 
national youth soccer team.
“Men have started to flock to the hospitals,” said Dr. Khumo Seipone, director 
of H.I.V./AIDS prevention and care in Botswana’s Ministry of Health.
In Kenya, where the Luo do not generally practice circumcision, Prime Minister 
Raila Odinga, himself a Luo, encouraged the procedure and lobbied elders. The 
H.I.V. infection rate among Luo men is more than triple that of Kenyan men 
generally — 17.5 percent versus 5.6 percent.
“Anything that could help save lives needs to be tried,” Mr.. Odinga said, 
adding that he had been circumcised.
So far, more than 20,000 men in Kenya have been circumcised in hospitals, 
dispensaries, village schools, social halls and tents. Teams of doctors, nurses 
and counselors have even taken boats to islands in Lake Victoria to circumcise 
Luo fishermen.
“If the Luo Council of Elders and local politicians had been against it, the 
government would not have dared endorse circumcision,” said Robert Bailey, the 
principal investigator on the Kenya male circumcision clinical trial.
In sharp contrast, male circumcision has no political champion here in South 
Africa, where the largest ethnic group, the Zulus, have generally not practiced 
it since the early 19th century, when it was abandoned due to protracted 
warfare, according to Daniel Halperin, an epidemiologist and medical 
anthropologist at Harvard University.
Thabo Masebe, a spokesman for President Jacob Zuma, said the Health Ministry 
must first set a policy on circumcision before Mr. Zuma, who took office in 
April, can take a position. Mr. Zuma is Zulu. The province of KwaZulu-Natal, 
the Zulu heartland, has the highest adult H.I.V. prevalence rate in the 
country, 39 percent, according to Unaids.
“The president gets involved when decisions are made,” Mr. Masebe said. “If the 
president spoke now, and when the time comes to make a policy, a different 
decision is taken, it wouldn’t sound good.”
The new health minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, spoke at length about AIDS in a 
recent speech to Parliament but made no mention of male circumcision. Dr. Yogan 
Pillay, a senior official at the National Department of Health, said a policy 
was being drafted and would be put forward for discussion by the end of the 
In March 2007, the World Health Organization concluded from rigorous clinical 
trials in Kenya, Uganda and here in Orange Farm township that male circumcision 
reduced female-to-male H.I.V. transmission by about 60 percent.
“This is an important landmark in the history of H.I.V. prevention,” the W.H.O. 
said at the time.
That same year, a committee of scientists, advocates and others advising the 
South African government recommended offering circumcisions as quickly as 
possible, perhaps by contracting with private doctors while public health 
workers were trained. Instead, the government set up a task force to study the 
issue, said Dr. Abdool Karim, a committee member.
The surgical methods developed in Orange Farm are now being copied in the 
region. Population Services International, which provides counseling at the 
Orange Farm clinic, is putting them into practice in Zimbabwe in collaboration 
with the Health Ministry there. It also received $50 million from the Bill and 
Melinda Gates Foundation to work with the governments of Zambia and Swaziland 
in the hope of circumcising some 650,000 men in those two countries.
South Africa has made strides in recent years, and now provides antiretroviral 
therapy to more people with AIDS than any other developing country.
But this is not the first time its policies have lagged behind. The country 
delayed for years providing antiretroviral medicines to treat AIDS under its 
former president, Thabo Mbeki, who denied the scientific consensus about the 
viral cause of the disease. Harvard researchers estimated that the government 
would have prevented the premature deaths of 330,000 South Africans earlier in 
the decade if it had provided the drugs.
“South Africa has no shortage of scientists,” said Olive Shisana, chief 
executive officer of South Africa’s government-financed Human Sciences Research 
Council. “We have a shortage of people willing to take the evidence that exists 
and use it for public health.”

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