
Do not miss the Special Arya Training Camp on 31 Jul-1 Aug at Vishakha Enclave, Pitampura Arya Samaj, New Delhi.

This exclusive training camp will be attended by luminaries like Sri KN Govindacharya, Sri Abhishek Joshi and several other eminent social and political activists.

We would cordially welcome all nationalists to join this two day training camp and have opportunity to learn the core concepts of our Vedic nationalism and purpose of life with reason, evidence and facts. And also have rare opportunity to interact with like-minded eminent personalities over two days.

To register for the event, please contact Arya Nirmatri Sabha at following numbers: 0935094582, 09250901972, 09868094954, 09810485231, 09313087163, 09968376002. All boarding and lodging requirements would be managed by Arya Nirmatri Sabha.

Please circulate the message and get nationalists into this forum as a unique rare opportunity to learn and interact with likeminded.

The camp would begin from 8 am on both days and continue till late evening. Registration would happen on first come first serve basis.



Curriculum of the Training Camp:
1. Concept of God and Soul as per Vedas
2. Concept and Purpose of Creation and Life
3. Vedic method of meditation
4. Importance of Vedas - clarifying myths and reality of Vedas
5. Concept of nationalism as per Vedas
6. Why nationalism is necessary for any spiritual upliftment?
7. How to break bonds that hinder in nationalism?
8. History of our nation, how we became slaves and future directions
9. What needs to be done to save and develop our nation
10. Pledge to dedicate ourselves to cause of nation

All concepts would be explained with due analysis, reasons and facts. This would be an interactive session requiring wholehearted participation of participants and would not be a monologue of discourses.

Rules and Disciplines for the Camp:
1. All willing to attend should be present throughout the two days sessions. The sessions have a logical flow and any break of flow would render the purpose of camp futile. 2. One should be serious and attentive in the session and participate whole-heartedly. 3. One should attend with spirit of accepting the truth and rejecting the false sincerely. 4. No one is allowed to consume addictive like tobacco, cigarettes, bidis etc during the sessions. 5. Everyone should interact with each other respectfully and avoid use of slangs.


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