Homosexuals will brave swine flu to stage mega August 16 Pride Parade


Behind the mask, gay Mumbai is poised to out itself.

As the virus spreads, organisers of the Queer Azadi March (Gay Pride
Parade), which will begin on August 16 at Kranti Maidan and travel to
Chowpatty, have urged sexual minorities and sympathisers to drop inhibitions
and participate in a historic parade.

The organisers say they would take precautions so that nothing unpleasant
happens during the march which will take place between 3 pm and 6 pm. While
600 people participated in the parade last year, this year the organisers
are expecting more than a 1,000.

Geeta Kumana of same-sex NGO Aanchal Trust said, "We will distribute masks
as a precaution, but we don't think people would stay indoors."

"Having the parade is not only the motto. We will do the march and do it
responsibly," said Pallav Patankar, trustee of the Humsafar Trust.

Mumbai has the biggest parade. I will be there and will wear a mask and will
also advice others to wear it and participate in the parade
Celina Jaitley


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