There is nothing wrong in wanting to be a girl, or in being a girl for that
matter. What is problematic is the type of girl. A girl does not have to be
a doormat. A girl can be a powerful, self-confident, empowered, emancipated,
and independent person. That person does not have to grovel at the feet of
men to have an identity. This Karva fast crap is designed by patriarchist
society to keep women in bondage. When was the last time society insisted
that men fast for their women. This is the moedel I find sick. And gay men
can do well to emulate and adopt the positive empowered woman as a
aspiration. They can be Laxmibai, or Kali, or Durga, or Sarojini Naidu, or
Razia Sultana...They do not have to be Meena Kumari...

And it has nothing to do with love, it jhas everything to with life wth

2009/10/8 Dreamy Eyes <>

> my goodness Aditya........... grow up .... will ya plz???..........
> they are doing it for love .......... who are you to say their actions crap
> or them idiots????.......
> what if they pray to be a girl next time they are born???....... we all
> pray for fulfillment of some wish or the other........ they are no
> exception........
> if you have nothing nice to say, probably u shud just keep your mouth
> shut..........
> ------------------------------
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