FRIENDS, Dear 710,305+ souls...
Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Thanksgiving...
I am gonna keep it brief and quick today.
I am the Promotional Partner for "AKSHAYA PATRA"

Akshaya Patra is the world's largest NGO-run midday meal program. 
A public-private partnership, Akshaya Patra combines good management, 
innovative technology and smart engineering to deliver school lunch at a 
fraction of the cost of similar programs in other parts of the world. For many 
of the children this is their only complete meal for the day. This gives them 
an incentive to come to school, stay in school and provides them with the 
necessary nutrients they need to develop their cognitive abilities to focus on 
learning.  Please spend 5 minutes to take a look at their fabulous kitchen 
technology video on how they serve 1.2MM children daily 

The organization needs our help. 
2 minutes of our time. 

Akshaya Patra Foundation,  has entered into a 
facebook online contest by CHASE.   Its’ very simple five steps :
1)     Become a fan of the CHASE’s community giving program at
2)    Vote for Akshaya Patra Foundation at 
3)  Get 5 of your friends to become fans and vote for Akshya Patra
4)   Add the link in your email signature file
5)   And you are done!
Deadline is Dec 11th – we only have 7 days left so hurry hurry!!!
Why should you vote for Akshaya Patra Foundation :
1)        Feeds 1.2MM children DAILY via our technologically designed kitchens, 
good management and efficient distribution mechanisms
2)       Cost to feed a child for an entire year is a mere $14
3)       Public Private partnership with Government providing an average 
subsidy of 50%
4)      We have hope to fulfill our mission that “No child should be deprived 
of education because of hunger” due to the deep impact we are having!
So join us in this mission & vote for us!
Our goal is to get Akshaya Patra to the top 10 in the first round to win a $25K 
prize money which will go a long way to help us sustain our program to feed 
over 1MM disadvantaged children daily!


More Later Souls...
Give my regards to your elders and love to your loved ones!
Regards' Jai Mata Di - Manan Singh Katohora
(add me on facebook 'Manan Katohora') 

"Nothing in the world will take the place of persistence.  Talent will not; 
nothing is more common than the unsuccessful person with talent.  Genius will 
not;  unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.  Education will not; the world is 
full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are 

- Calvin Coolidge 


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