The Nazis vilified and exterminated an entire race of people. Their
anti-Semitic propaganda machine spewed venom against innocent men, women
and children during World War II. Everything from Jewish dress to
Judaism was attacked.

We gays are going through such a phase, albeit in far subtler ways.

Psychologists dealing with the dynamics of prejudices say that
stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination go hand in hand.

Homophobic people perform generalizations on the behaviors of gays. Here
is an example: "See that guy walking like a girl? He is GAY. Is Deep
also gay? Hmmm, no wonder I saw him buy a tube of fairness cream at
Shopper's Stop last night"!

A minuscule number of these generalizations are positive: "Artistic =

Some of these are pseudo-scientific: "It's a chemical imbalance".

When stereotypes are widely quoted they assume the halo of "facts". For
example the 1999 edition of Merriam-Webster (the largest dictionary
publisher in the United States) listed thesaurus terms for homosexual
such as "fruit" and "pederast". In India, doctors go through a five and
a half year M.B.B.S. degree course with Psychiatry as one of the minor
subjects. One of the prescribed textbooks being studied by our future
pain alleviators is the 3rd edition of Mayer-Gross, Slater and Roth's
"Clinical Psychiatry". It clearly lists "treatments" for gays. It quotes
"recent" studies by scientists, "as late as 1957" in support of
"aversive deconditioning"! Sadly no mention is made of DSM IV TR
(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,
textual revision) published by the American Psychiatric Association or
the ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and
Related Health Problems) published by the WHO. These works published
after 2000 clearly do NOT list homosexuality as an illness needing a
cure and are the "de-facto" modern benchmarks of Psychiatric care in the
western world.

Rigid categorical thinking is central to prejudice. Here's a quote from
a book by Gordon Allport, "The Nature of Prejudice":

"The human mind must think with the aid of categories....Once formed,
categories are the basis for normal prejudgment. We cannot possibly
avoid this process. Orderly living depends upon it."

However, categorical thinking tends to distort perceptions by either
minimizing or exaggerating the differences between categories. Here are
two example, "Snakes have fangs, poison and bite. That big, fat worm
looks like a snake. It will bite!". Or, "That serial killer used to have
sex with his wife and men. I knew it! Gays are like this only".

According to the "outgroup homogeneity effect" any numbers of people who
do not belong to the majority "ingroup" are all lumped under one
"outgroup" having the same characteristics. Hence, in India, till not so
long ago people thought of "lower casts" as dark skinned, low
intelligence, violence prone, poverty stricken wretches. In other words,
any one who does not "fit" is an outsider. And every outsider looks,
thinks and acts alike. A member of the "ingroup" is less likely to come
in contact with a member of the "outgroup" and hence remains unaware of
the diversity of members of the "outgroup". Here is an example, "My wife
and I have one homo friend, but we don't let him come into our house and
meet little Bunty. I have heard of a friend who had a homo neighbor who
used to have sex with kids!"

In 2002 Brett Pelham and his colleagues carried out a study which
indicated that in each one of us there exists an "implicit egotism" or
an unconscious preference for things associated with the self. Thus, a
straight teenager will more likely associate with other straight teens
even though he does not have any overt animosity towards gays. The
straight teen maintains his self esteem by identifying with the
"ingroup" of heterosexuals. It is when he detects a drop in self esteem
that he is likely to become prejudiced. Hence, a weak, pimply faced teen
whose "self esteem" has been challenged by a personal failure (maybe
rejected by his macho group or girlfriends) will abuse gays loudly
enough to bolster his "ego". Hence prejudice represents a way to
maintain self esteem. One of the ways to counter that is to ask the
homophobic straight teen to write down ten things he values about

When a child is growing up, society shapes his implicit attitudes and
beliefs by a process known as "priming". Thus, in the school books of
thirty years ago (and, sadly, even now in some cases) the word "woman"
is more likely to be read in the same location as "home", "kitchen",
"cooking", "housewife" and the word "man" with "doctor", "pilot",
"army", "brave". Hence a child's mind is "primed" by words or images
that thematically relate ideas or associations. "Priming" continues in
the adult modern world. Here is an example from a report in a leading
Indian newspaper: "the beggar was a drug addict, a gay and a serial
killer in Mumbai". Has any news reporter used the phrase "the
heterosexual serial killer of children at Noida"?!

All human beings observe the environment through a process known as
"automatic filtering of salient stimuli". Things which "stand out" seem
more important to us than those which do not. Hence a doctor's
effeminate behavior and homosexuality is quickly commented upon, only as
an afterthought is his profession mentioned.

Categorical thinking and focus on salient stimuli allows us to observe
the environment efficiently. Yet both can lead to distortions in
perception, and, at times, to prejudice and stereotyping.

Stereotypes can become self-perpetuating when stereotyped individuals
are made to feel self-conscious or inadequate. Hence a man whose
effeminacy and homosexual feelings is ridiculed by his peers and parents
is more likely to perform badly in college and his career thus giving
rise to the stereotype "gays are losers and queer".

It is up to us gay men and women to counter homosexual prejudice at
every level in society.


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