Any one who claims to have a 12 inch cock does make me wonder how he does the 

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 11:11:24 +0000
Subject: g_b Re: Indian cocks are smaller than the rest



      --- In, "Deep" <gaymanprou...@...> wrote:


> Hmmm. So anyone who doesn't like the article from the BBC that I posted

> certainly has issues with his dimensions. Very revealing, wouldn't you

> agree Salil? :-D


> On a broader scale, why do you think people have so many issues with the

> length of their organs? I have had numerous Yahoo! chat conversations

> with guys who are ready to meet me only if the length of my penis

> exceeds a certain figure. Is the "size fetish" prevalent only among us

> gay men, or does it extend to the larger populace?


> I would imagine that a 12 inch penis would be difficult to "handle".

> Maybe some "true blooded connoisseur of penises" would deign to respond.


> Deep

> http://gaynotes. blogspot. com/

Not exactly an answer to Deep's question, but here's a mail on wrote this 
subject some years back. Nice way to end the year! 

Happy New Year, Vikram

Queer I – Statistics

Ally Gator, Mumbai, 18/12/2006

I don't know why the Indian Council of Medical Research didn't ask the gay 
community before they undertook their study which has just established that the 
average Indian penis is too small for the average available condom size. My 
friend D could have told them that years ago. From travels across the country, 
and the range available in cosmopolitan Mumbai, he's become an expert observer 
(and then rather more) of the Indian penis, and not just national averages but 
regional variations as well. 

D tells me that Kashmiri men come largest, which could be another reason why 
nationalists won't let the state go, for fear of further reducing the national 
average. Next, he tells me, come the Punjabis and Haryanvis, and after that it 
tends to diminishes the further East and South you travel, though there are 
sudden peaks in pockets like Kerala. Could this be the reason behind the party 
name proudly chosen by the Democratic Indira Congress (Karunakaran)?  

D is not the only penis surveyor that I've known in the gay community. J, a 
British friend who was posted here some years back, undertook photographic 
documentation in what he called The Great Indian Dick Project. He'd go up to 
men at random, explain his anthropological aims and ask if they would 
participate in the project. He made it clear that only the penis, no other 
feature of the subject, would be photographed and perhaps because of this close 
focus, perhaps out of instinctive deference to the British, perhaps from a 
genuine urge to aid scientific enquiry, a surprising number of the men readily 
agreed, with no pressure or payment, to drop their pants. 

The only problem was afterwards when, despite his initial explanation, many 
seemed to expect further attentions from J. Unfortunately for them his only 
interest really was documentation, and it was interesting, even rather 
endearing, to watch all his pictures spread out. No matter how limp the initial 
enthusiasm of the subject, facing the camera would stiffen their spirits 
(unfortunately the camera was too fast for them, so the results tended to evoke 
a set of views of the Leaning Tower of Pisa). A few did stand out - I remember 
one exceptional engineer from Nashik - but really all seemed quite serviceable. 

And that, I think, is the view that most guys would take, the odd size queen 
like D notwithstanding. Despite stereotypes I think most gay men are pragmatic 
enough to go for the whole package, rather than just one element. After all, 
despite these global size surveys that routinely put China and India at the 
bottom, both top in population so functionality is hardly the issue. And gay 
men can also reflect happily on another survey, from the Kinsey Institute in 
the US, which after extensive research has concluded that (modest pause) gay 
men do tend to be larger. Lets just avoid the question of whether its abuse of 
statistics if some guys like D use this to conclude that size indicates 




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