A Four Letter Word


2007, 85 min
Country:  US
Studio:  Embrem Entertainment, TLA Releasing
Cast:  Jesse Archer, Charlie David, Cory Grant, Steven M. Goldsmith, J.R. 
Rolley, Virginia Bryan
Director:  Casper Andreas
Screenwriter:  Casper Andreas, Jesse Archer 


Bursting with color and imbued with a sensibility that's pop to its
very core, A Four Letter Word is the story of a bar-cruising hottie
who finally falls in love...with the wrong guy!


* Sometimes love is just staring right at you
* A "gay cliche" -- unlikely
* This film overflows with gay wit & color


Crackling and popping like a mouthful of the juiciest bubble gum
you'll ever chew, Casper Andreas's (Slutty Summer) second film is a
gay romantic comedy that's as sweet as they come. Wittily co-written
by star Jesse Archer (who also starred in Andreas' first film), A Four
Letter Word is the perfect break from the all the serious films we

Luke (Archer) is a "gay cliché": flitting from job to job with no
thought of tomorrow, he cruises the bars looking for the perfect
mate...for the night. On a typical morning, he wakes up in a tangle of
bodies and heads to his job at a Chelsea shop specializing in sex toys
and rainbow paraphernalia. At work he is endlessly lectured about gay
civil rights by his co-worker Zeke (Cory Grant), a cutie with loftier
goals than selling dildos. (Zeke is a "centered" man with goals:
during his downtime he attends a yummy nude yoga class.) Luke's life
of one-night stands finally looks like it might come to an end when he
meets sultry beauty Stephen (Charlie David, star of "Dante's Cove").
Smitten with his new love, Luke is convinced by him to attend meetings
for the sexually compulsive and take his life more seriously. But
Luke's world falls apart when he discovers that Stephen has completely
misrepresented himself. Does Luke re-enter the party boy world whose
fabulous colors tend to fade by morning, or is it time for him to open
his heart and mind to new possibilities?

http://hotfile. com/dl/23703094/ fdb3160/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 001.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23703095/ 8bcc0dd/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 002.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23707450/ 635aa64/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 003.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23707479/ 9062b7b/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 004.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23712834/ 8370023/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 005.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23712885/ 6ce8904/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 006.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23719652/ 683e2e7/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 007.html
http://hotfile. com/dl/23719661/ e0aaa3b/A_ 4_Letter_ Word.avi. 008.html

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