I read it..!! Thank you teacher...!!!

On 1 March 2010 16:54, Aaditya ! <aaditya2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

>   Nevertheless, I do agree and have noticed in the past myself that Aditya
> B.'s comments, very often, are extremely insensitive and discouraging
> especially to ppl who may be posting their early messages here on the list.
> Intelligence, like all the virtues of the world, should be shown at the
> right place and time.
> Regards,
> Aditya
>    *if you can read THIS.... thank a teacher*
> --- On *Mon, 3/1/10, Sanjay Lulla <sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.com>* wrote:
> From: Sanjay Lulla <sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: g_b Strong protest Aditya let's not discuss individuals
> To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 10:56 AM
>   I strongly protest and dispute this
> "*We must remember and understand that we gays and people from the
> so-called 3rd sex are psychologically not as strong as the male species per
> se!! :) We 'guys' are of the sensitive type. Hope you will control your
> emotional outbursts"*
> **
> I do not agree wiht this generalisation. We are what we think we are. If I
> feel/believe that I am squeamish lacking strenght and courage maybe I am all
> of the above what Saurav akka Rohini says.  This is sheer generalisation.
> Strenght courage is not gender specific.
> Look at Aditya, he will know that someone or the other will pounce on him
> but he does say things and none of what he says is wrong or incorrect. Maybe
> he is blunt and too precise but as he is courageous enough to do so anyway,
> should we say that as per Sauravs definition that Aditya is a straight in
> the closet? Humbug Bladderdash. ......... ......... ..:p
> little prince-Sanjay N Lulla
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Saurav Kumar Das <sauravdas17@ yahoo.com>
>  *To:* gay_bom...@yahoogro ups.com
> *Sent:* Sun, February 28, 2010 5:04:42 PM
> *Subject:* g_b Aditya let's not discuss individuals
>  Hi Aditya,
> Have been following your posts for sometime and feel strongly that by
> discussing "Prashant" who is in Delhi and a member of this forum we are
> unnecessarily getting into an individual's personal life. Maybe after
> reading what you have posted below he may be psychologically traumatized.
> We must remember and understand that we gays and people from the so-called
> 3rd sex are psychologically not as strong as the male species per se!! :) We
> 'guys' are of the sensitive type. Hope you will control your emotional
> outbursts. I am not saying however that you are wrong.
> All I am saying is let's not discuss individuals.
> Best wishes.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Manoj <zeus200...@yahoo. com>
> *To:* gay_bom...@yahoogro ups.com
> *Sent:* Sun, February 28, 2010 12:30:20 PM
> *Subject:* Re: g_b post coming out problems
> wow a veru nice response aditya ..... suddenly makes us realise why we like
> u inspite of all the other bites :-D
> --- On *Sat, 27/2/10, Aditya Bondyopadhyay <adit.b...@gmail. com>* wrote:
> From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay <adit.b...@gmail. com>
> Subject: Re: g_b post coming out problems
> To: gay_bom...@yahoogro ups.com
> Date: Saturday, 27 February, 2010, 11:33 AM
>  Dear Nish,
> Every one's life is different, and every one's parents are different
> charecters. If you had decided that your parents are people to whom you
> could safely come out to, then that was the right decision for you. Do not
> give that part of the issue another thought, irrespective of what your best
> friend says. In any event, ultimately an honest life where nothing is hidden
> and where you are being truthful to yourself and to others is the best life,
> irrespective of the difficulties, sacrifices, and pain this involves. For if
> you are truthful, then firstly you are not causing hurt to another by
> deception, and secondly then no one can sneak up on you with unpleasant
> surprises. Others may target you with prejudice when you are out, but that
> is their folly, not yours. You will have preserved your own dignity as a
> human being in your own eyes, and that will let you live life with your head
> held high.
> You may have noticed on this list recently two people being discussed,
> namely a person called Prashant and Profesor Siras of AMU. I am mentioning
> them because they can be illustrative of how your life may turn out if you
> do not stick to your commendable decision to not get married to a woman.
> Prashant, as per the story he has told about himself, is married, due to
> social pressures most likely similar to the way your mom is now putting
> presssure on you. And what is Prashant like today? He is a bitter,
> disillusioned, hateful, prejudiced, and confused person. More than one
> person has advised him to seek help from a competent psychiatrist. By his
> own admission, his married life is not one of blissful companionship but of
> bitterness and anger and pain all around. And his bitterness has affected
> him to an extend where he cannot even see the fact that the very community
> he claims to support and sacrifice his life for, namely LGBT, is severely
> hurt by his public ravings and rantings, to an extent where he may even
> jeopardise the most important fight the community is involved with, the 377
> battle in the Supreme Court. I want you to think if you would want that to
> be your life 2 decades from now.
> Professor Siras was a closetted homosexual and the closest he came to being
> out was via writing oblique and tangential poetry, where pining for the moon
> was supposed to be understood as a desire by the poet for another man. When
> I read one of his poems in translation, I read 'moon' not 'man'. And I read
> nothing about him being out. But obviously, like life, truth always catches
> up with you. So he was subjected to a sting operation by AMU and suspended.
> Both his suspension and the sting are violations of his rights. They are
> deplorable acts and need to be condemned. But just think, could the AMU have
> done such a thing if Professor Siras had actually written 'man' instead of
> 'moon'? Could the so called scandal have been a scandal in reality if there
> had been nothing to hide? I think not. The naked man cannot be shamed.
> Disrobing to dishonour can happen only when one is robed and therefore have
> some things to hide. Blackmail can happen, only when someone can hold the
> threat of disclosing a secret over your head. So ultimately, coming out and
> being honest to yourself is probably one of the best decisions that you have
> taken. You are because of this truthfulness a much stronger individual, much
> less prone to hurt and injury.
> And finally, if your mom's pressure continues unabaited, and if at any
> point you think you would fall for it, there is just one condition that you
> should insist on as a non-negitiable with your mom. That condition is that
> you would not wait till after you are married to disclose the fact of your
> being gay to the girl that you are getting married to, but would do that
> right at the very begining when the marriage is being negotiated. THat you
> would explain to he girl everything that being gay means, and what you would
> continue to do even if you are married. If after that full and complete
> disclosure, the girl is still willing to get married to you, then you would
> go ahead.
> I wish you all the best,
> Aditya Bondyopadhyay
> On 27 February 2010 09:25, net.buddy6 <net.bud...@yahoo. 
> in<http://aa.mc533.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=net.bud...@yahoo.in>
> > wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> This is the first time I am writing on this forum. Actually, I need help
>> from you guys.
>> I am 30 years old. I came out to my parents, sister and my best friend
>> last year. Initially they were shocked. They took to me a psychiatrist. I
>> went for 3-4 session, later I refused to go coz it was not serving any
>> purpose. In last session, psychiatrist told my parents that I am normal and
>> nothing wrong with me.
>> I though everyone will come around with time however I was wrong. Everyone
>> avoided talking on this topic and kept telling me to get married to a girl
>> sooner or later. One week back, I was talking to Mom and tried to talk on
>> this topic. She told me that it's ok to be gay but I have to get married coz
>> I can't spend my whole life alone. According to her, I have spent 7-8 year
>> for searching a partner but still I am single so there are very less chances
>> that I will get a partner(guy) ever. My problem is that in a way she is
>> telling truth. It's not easy to spend whole life alone. I stay alone, away
>> from my parents and I don't really like to be alone. Every so often, I go
>> into a phase where I get depressed. BUT, still I don't want to get married.
>> I am going to meet her next week and I want to talk to her again. I don't
>> want her to live in a false hope that one day I will get married to girl. I
>> want to discuss with her that why it's not good for me to get married and
>> choose a life of being alone rather than staying with a girl(wife) as
>> friends. She claims that she knows one gay guy (I am sure she knows, must be
>> one of relative) who is happily married to a women. She thinks that once I
>> will start staying with a women and become father then I will get attached
>> to my wife and child and everything will be OK.
>> I am not getting any help from my sister or best friend coz they also
>> think in the same way. In fact, my friend thinks that I should not have come
>> out to my parents. According to him, if I don't want to get married then I
>> should have told just that thing. I should not have told to parents that I
>> am gay and creating so much tension and pain for them.
>> I need some inputs from you guys. How should I talk to my parents and what
>> should I say to make them realise that my both decisions are right -
>> 1. It was right decision to come out to them.
>> 2. It is better to be remain single rather than get married to a girl.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Nish
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