Name of Questioner

Suha   - India


My Husband Is Gay 


As salamu 'alaykum.

I am a Muslim woman from a very respected family in India. I have been
married for 15 years now. I am very educated, and after my marriage I
realized that even though my husband was an engineer, he did not seem very
educated, and I thought it was his upbringing. After a couple of years when
we had to apply for Canadian immigration, I found out that he was not an
engineer and had bought his degree. It was very, very sad, but I never
shared it with my family as he asked me to touch and swear on the Qur'an
that I would not talk about it ever. 

After I got pregnant with my first child, he started talking about his
desire to see me with other men (physically). I was shocked as he was a
very, very religious man in front of everyone. This new thing revealed
itself every time he was intimate. Then he slowly started talking about how
he had a physical relationship with his male friend all his college life. I
was devastated, but on and off I used to hear weird stories. 

When I was pregnant I did not know what was going on, then he would only
talk about other men) - how he has always imagined 3-4 men being with me,
and him watching. 

Long story short, after 12 years of fighting with him and telling him how
crazy he was, it started feeling normal. He used to come and tell me how he
spoke to some man on the phone, and how men were interested in me. I
realized that this man was not normal and he did not love me at all. With
lots of shame I have to say that I had an affair during this as I wanted
someone to love me only. But I realized no one actually loves you, men only
want their needs met. So I totally focused on my kids, and tried to keep
myself busy with my job, kids and home life. My husband is religious, he
prays 5 times a day, goes to the masjid for Ijtema' (collective prayers) to
propagate Islam. 

At some weak moment I confessed about the affair I had, and with that
started all the problems. He said, you are so lucky, you did all that you
wanted and you could not satisfy me with my one desire that I want to see
you with other men, and one day I agreed. What happened between the 3 of us
was something I cannot put in words. I found out that he is a homosexual.
Even afterwards he has been begging me to continue on this path. I hate what
I have done and know what a sin it was. But him, he says, what can we do
Allah made me like this and literally begs me to live like this. After it
was done he talks only about namaz, how religious we should be, and how our
kids should keep saying du'aas before eating, after eating.... I am tired of
this madness, this double life...of extreme ends. 

He is an active member of the mosque... I have fear for my growing daughter
and want to separate from him. He threatens me that he will kill himself or
hurt us all. He cannot live without me. I am so mentally prepared for
separation and know for sure that my position in duniya or Akhirat (this
world and the Hereafter) is poor. I need some advice! 



Name of Counsellor

amOnline-English-Cyber_Counselor%2FCyberCounselorE%2FCyberCounselorE> Hwaa


Addiction, Extramarital Affairs, Gender Issues , Marital Obstacles, Before &
After Divorce




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