One person people should invariable judge is their own selves. And this
should be unbiased and fairly critically done.

On 25 April 2010 12:33, Sanjay Lulla <> wrote:

> People often judge others and decide to put them in categories 'good'
> 'bad'. We our self as gay persons often feel that we are targeted and are
> judged and categorized as a bad unhealthy person by others. This brings
> about guilt, grief and sorrow in our self but don't worry, no one has a
> power to judge or categories us or anyone. Everyone is a valid and
> authorized recipient of love affection and compassion. Do not see yourself
> through the eyes of others, THEY may be at fault.
> I am sharing a small poem forwarded to me by a friend
> I was shocked, confused, bewildered
>  As I entered Heaven's door,
>  Not by the beauty of it all,
>   Nor the lights or its decor.
>  But it was the folks in Heaven
>   Who made me sputter and gasp--
>  The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
>   The alcoholics and the trash.
>  There stood the kid from seventh grade
>   Who swiped my lunch money twice.
>  Next to him was my old neighbor
>   Who never said anything nice.
>  Herb, who I always thought
>   Was rotting away in hell,
>  Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
>   Looking incredibly well.
>  I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
>   I would love to hear Your take.
>  How'd all these sinners get up here?
>   God must've made a mistake.
>  'And why is everyone so quiet,
>   So sombre - give me a clue.'
>  'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock.
>   No one thought they'd be seeing you here..'
>  Remember...Just going to place of worship doesn't make you a
>  Religious/virtuous person any more than standing in your garage makes you
> a car.
> little prince-Sanjay N Lulla

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