That is called Andropause.

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 4:28 PM, milin shah <> wrote:

> *Mumbai: *Men will be loathe to admit this. But they too go through
> menopause as women. The post-40 health blues, including reduced sex drive
> and depression, could be the result of andropause or male menopause.
>  A relatively unacknowledged phenomenon so far, andropause will soon be
> mapped and enumerated. In the first such exercise of its kind, the Indian
> Andropause Society (IAS) will prepare a national registry for men going
> through the physical condition. Besides keeping track of the statistical
> aspects, the national andropuase registry will draw up a detailed comparison
> between Indian males and their Western counterparts.
>  “The database will facilitate wider understanding of andropause among the
> general public as well as medical professionals. It will not merely consist
> of statistics, it will also offer an overall picture,” said Dr Narayana
> Reddy, president, IAS. The data compilation process for the registry is on
> since the past four years, he added.
> Members of the IAS collect patient data, which includes detailed medical
> history, hormone assessment reports, treatment offered and the final
> results. “Each city has one or more doctors associated with the IAS as point
> persons. The compiled data is tallied with cities within the country as well
> as Western countries,” said Reddy.
> Andropause means gradual reduction in the production of testosterone, an
> essential male hormone in men above 40 years of age. It is associated with
> depression, reduced libido and problems of heart, lungs and the brain. But
> in most cases, the patient lands up with a doctor seeking help for sexual
> problems.
> But andropause is left undiagnosed due to lack of awareness among medical
> professionals too. Testosterone therapy is generally offered as a treatment.
> “No man wants to know that he is weak. It is more of a social taboo,” said
> Dr Saroj Gumasthe, who is in charge of Mumbai city for the registry.
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