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January 31, 2011

Bush’s Daughter, in a Break, Endorses Gay Marriage

The Bush dynasty is no stranger to generational conflict: father and son 
differed over deposing Saddam Hussein, raising taxes and the role of the United 
Now it is father and daughter who find themselves at odds over a weighty issue. 
Barbara Bush, one of the twin daughters of George W. Bush, will endorse 
same-sex marriage on Tuesday, publicly breaking ranks with a father who, as 
president, pushed for a constitutional amendment banning such unions. 
Ms. Bush, 29, has taped a video calling on New York to legalize gay marriage. A 
bill to do that was defeated in the state in 2009. She describes the issue as a 
matter of conscience and equality. 
“I am Barbara Bush, and I am a New Yorker for marriage equality,” she says in 
the brief message, sponsored by an advocacy group. “New York is about fairness 
and equality. And everyone should have the right to marry the person that they 
The video ends with Ms. Bush, who lives in Manhattan, imploring the state’s 
residents to “join us.” 
Ms. Bush is the latest child of a prominent Republican leader to embrace 
same-sex marriage, long considered anathema to the conservative movement. Gay 
rights advocates have been quick to seize on the generational split as evidence 
that the acceptance of same-sex marriage is blind to party affiliation and 
family values. 
Meghan McCain, the daughter of John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential 
nominee, has become an outspoken supporter of same-sex marriage, despite her 
father’s opposition to it. And Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice 
President Dick Cheney, has forcefully backed it as well — and is widely 
credited with helping to persuade her father to do the same. 
In the case of Mr. McCain, Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush, it is not just their 
children who have supported it. So, to varying degrees, have their wives. Laura 
Bush, in a television interview in May, said, “When couples are committed to 
each other and love each other” they should have “the same sort of rights that 
everyone has.” 
Ms. McCain, a blogger and author, has said it is unhealthy for members of 
political families to paper over disagreements on issues of social justice 
merely to project an image of harmony. “Wives and children should be able to 
speak their piece,” she said in a television interview last year. “I think it 
shows healthy dynamics within a family. We shouldn’t all think one way, and 
think one thing.” 
Barbara Bush, who started a nonprofit group focused on global health, rarely 
speaks out on American political issues, making her foray into the same-sex 
marriage debate so striking. But for years, those close to her say, she has 
surrounded herself with gay friends — at Yale, where she was an undergraduate, 
and in New York City, where she worked in the design world. 
C. Brian Smith, a friend from college who is gay, recalled that the Yale Ms. 
Bush inhabited was filled with openly gay students and unbothered by questions 
about sexuality. “She had that mind-set,” he said. “She was loved by the gay 
community at Yale.” 
Members of the Bush family seemed uneager to discuss her entry into the 
marriage debate. Ms. Bush declined an interview request. A spokesman for Mr. 
Bush said he had no comment. Her sister, Jenna Bush Hager, a correspondent for 
“Today,” has not publicly discussed the topic. 
The Human Rights Campaign, a national gay rights group that made the video, 
plans to show it Saturday at an annual gala in New York City. Advocates said it 
would show elected officials and voters that, in many cases, young people are 
not following in their parents’ ideological footsteps. 
“No matter what party they belong to, young Americans believe in basic fairness 
and equality,” said Brian Ellner, who is overseeing the Human Rights Campaign’s 
bid to legalize same-sex marriage in New York. 



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