Gaybombay's BHAG (Bombay Homosexual Athletics Group), established in 2009, 
organizes athletics events for the LGBT community in Mumbai. This event will be 
a 10-round run in a park of about 3.75km in 45 minutes, followed by cool-off 
exercises and coconut water. We will also be carrying frisbees and badminton 
equipment, but the primary purpose is to RUN.

Sunday MORNING, 20th February, 2011
Meeting Time: 0715 hours at the Joggers Park ticket window.
Run: 0730 - 0815 hours inside Jogger's Park.
Stretching and Cool-offs: 0830 - 0900 hours in the central garden of Jogger's 

There is a great need in the LGBT community of Mumbai for sports- or 
activity-based events and community-building. BHAG, starting with running, 
would like to encourage and provide the infrastructure for a sports culture 
within the gay community.

Joggers Park, Carter Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai
Nearest local train station: Bandra (on the Western line)
Nearest bus number and stop: 220; Jogger's Park / Perry Cross Road.
Cost: Free (park entry and coconut water paid for by GB).

1. Wear: Trackpants/shorts, a tee-shirt /sweatshirt/ singlet.
2. Bring: A small backpack containing deodorant, a handtowel, and a
bottle of water.
3. Eat: a light snack not less than an hour before coming, and make sure you 
are well-hydrated.

The Run Leader this time is Sachin. He will be wearing a black cap and standing 
before the run, at the ticket window.

You are welcome to write to s4l...@yahoo.com (s4list at yahoo dot com) if you 
have questions or need clarifications about the event.

For a report on the previous runs, please see the BHAG website:

Looking forward to seeing you there!


This event is organised by www.gaybombay.org
Right of admission reserved

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