A reminder about this Sunday's screening...

On 21 March 2011 21:47, Nitin Karani <nitin.kar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  *cordially invites you to a screening of
> *
> * 'Howl'*   From the makers of 'The Times of Harvey Milk', a film that
> pays tribute to one of the greatest works of the Beat generation and the
> American poet who wrote it, Allen Ginsberg.
> *Sunday, 27 March 2011*
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Synopsis: *The poem "Howl" contains many references to drugs and sex,
> both heterosexual and homosexual. On the basis of one line in
> particular, US customs officials seized 520 copies of the poem on March 25,
> 1957, being imported from the printer in London. A subsequent obscenity
> trial was brought against the poem's US publisher. Nine literary experts
> testified on the poem's behalf. Supported by the American Civil Liberties
> Union, Ferlinghetti won the case with the judge deciding that the poem was
> of "redeeming social importance". The case was widely publicized (articles
> appeared in both Time and Life magazines). The film depicts the events of
> the trial. As Allen Ginsberg (James Franco) talks about his life and art,
> his most famous poem is illustrated in animation while the obscenity trial
> of the work is dramatized. Pivotal to the story are the mental illness of
> Ginsberg's mother and her early death, the poet's friendship with Neal
> Cassady, struggles with homosexuality before embracing it, falling in love
> with Peter Orlovsky, and Ginsberg's take on the poem's theme - freedom of
> expression. (from 
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0842926/<http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1049402/>
> )
> *Time:*  6pm to 8pm.
> *Venue: *Humsafar Trust, Centre for Excellence, Ground floor, 'Riviera',
> 15th Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai. (see map:www.tinyurl.com/cefemap).
> *Space courtesy:* The Humsafar Trust http://www.facebook.com/HumsafarTrust
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