I think it is unfortunate that the word  GAY  is our  label. ( Gay used to 
mean happy, carefree, and maybe even a little simple  minded.)
I equate my sexuality with all of our great  predecessors: Alexander the 
Great,  Leonardo Da Vinci,  Michelangelo,Walt Whitman, Baudelaire, Proust,  
Melville, Williams,  Gertrude Stein, Cole Porter....so many great men and 
women thru out the ages.  Thousands of great gays.  Millions and millions of 
So if they were "gay"  then I guess it's not so bad to be "gay."
Is it ????
Gordon Micunis
In a message dated 3/24/2011 1:51:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
charleston...@yahoo.com writes:

I don't wear clothing that bear the name or label that can visibally be  
seen. That does not mean that I don't like the fashion. Quite the opposite, to 
 many a label makes them and who they are more acceptable with others who 
dawn  the same perspective..."to fit in." The reality of my disposition being 
"same  gender" preference does not "fit' me into a catagory or label, "gay" 
I am and  will always be "same gender preference," and in being so I have a 
 responsibility to myself to engage in a lifestyle that supports who I am  
rather than who I am not, "a starved and sex craving lunetick" the common  
edict that is charactoristic of the label, "Gay." No doubt...I am better 
than,  "Gay."

 From: Mike Milton  <mmilto...@yahoo.com>
To:  gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, March 23, 2011 4:13:49  PM
Subject: Re: g_b I am  proud to be gay

Amen Sanjay Lulla .... very well said ...

 From: Sanjay Lulla  <sanjay_lulla2...@yahoo.com>
To:  gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, March 23, 2011 5:50:22  AM
Subject: Re: g_b I am  proud to be gay


My Dears
may this serve as an encouragement and inspiration to the newbies, those  
who are coming to terms with their sexuality. Let us not forget that it is a  
trying  and traumatic journey to come to terms with ones self and to  
accept what he/she is. During those times the person would wonder whats there  
be proud of? When one comes to terms with oneself then the battle is won.  
That is the most difficult part. 
Once we accept our self and realize that there is nothing to feel guilty  
about or to feel ashamed off, then one can say to others "I AM GAY" and yes  
that's being proud!!! :-)
God bless

little prince-Sanjay N Lulla  

 From: Mark Bucknam  <markdeafga...@yahoo.com>
To:  gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, March 23, 2011 3:02:08  AM
Subject: Re: g_b I am  proud to be gay

i agree with u  smile!  iam proud of who am  i?

--- On Tue, 3/22/11, Deep  <gaymanprou...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From:  Deep <gaymanprou...@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: g_b I am proud to  be gay
To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, March 22,  2011, 6:39 AM

Hey Sanjay!

It is great that you have decided to start posting on this forum.  Don't 
worry about upsetting people Sanjay. You can never please  everyone all the 
time. :-)

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Gay Pride:

LGBT  pride or gay pride is the concept that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and  
transgender (LGBT) people should be proud of their sexual orientation  and 
gender identity.The movement has three main premises: that people  should be 
proud of their sexual orientation and gender identity, that  diversity is a 
gift, and that sexual orientation and gender identity  are inherent and 
cannot be intentionally altered. The use of the  abbreviated gay pride and 
have since become mainstream and  shorthand expressions inclusive of all 
individuals in various LGBT  communities. 
The word pride is used in this case as an antonym for shame,  which has 
been used to control and oppress LGBT persons throughout  history. Pride in 
this sense is an affirmation of one's self and the  community as a whole. The 
modern "pride" movement began after the  "Stonewall riots" in 1969. Instead 
of backing down to unconstitutional  raids by New York Police, gay people in 
local bars fought back. While  it was a violent situation it also gave the 
underground community the  first sense of communal pride in a very well 
publicized incident. From  the yearly parade that commemorated the anniversary 
the Stonewall  riots began a national grassroots movement. Today many 
countries  around the world celebrate LGBT pride. The pride movement has  
furthered the cause of gay rights by lobbying politicians, registering  voters 
increasing visibility to educate on issues important to  LGBT communities. 
LGBT pride advocates work for equal "rights and  benefits" for LGBT people. 

In your opinion gay love (romantic love between members of the  same 
gender) is weaker than heterosexual love. I shall answer that  love can be as 
strong as the lovers want it to be. 

Society in general does not approve of same sex love. Nor does it  approve 
of masturbation. Yet we all do it. The feelings that you and I  have deep 
inside us do not change whether we are  in Scandinavia or in Afghanistan. We 
have a choice to  accept our emotions, desires and feelings and work with 
them or  feel dejected and cheated by nature and make our own lives  miserable. 

If you feel that having multiple sex partners debases you in your  own 
eyes, don't have them. Look instead for a monogamous partner and  stick to him. 
Different people have different needs and it takes all  kinds to make the 

Heterosexuals celebrate their sexual orientation all the time!  Don't 
believe me? Look around you. Do you see a woman wearing a Mangal  Sutra? Do you 
see a man keeping a picture of his wife and kids on his  workstation? Do you 
see a marriage procession inching down a busy road  with the groom in full 
regalia? Heterosexuals don't need to  advertise themselves! Society is 
created around their needs and  desires. We homosexuals need to show our own 
and desires in a  repressive society. And till such time we don't get equal 
rights we  shall, perforce, call our celebrations as "Pride". 

My homosexuality is nothing that I have "won". Yet I have to  struggle to 
make society accept it so that I may live the way I want.  Hence I must 
proclaim my orientation which, to me, is natural but to  others is an 

Do keep posting in. I believe that the contents of your post did  not fit 
the chain's subject hence I changed it.


--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, hgjk hgkhj  <sanjayramani_2003@...> 
> This is my first  mail and do not want to offend anyone. These are just 
>  personal opinions
> Everytime i hear/read this  statement "I am proud to be gay", i feel 
> Even if i  was hetro it wud be awkward for me to say "I am proud to be a  
> I would be proud of things i earned and definately  this state of mind so 
> "homo" is definately not i  earned, it is just there by one reason or 
the other.
> So first  of all "I proud to be a gay" is completely overstatement.
> But i think i agree with mike with the reason of having  multiple 
> Society does not confirm the state of being  gay and thats y most of the
> people like to  have "discreet" liasons which makes us wild, unbounded, 
> limitless, pervert animals, which perfectly  reason with as society does 
> confirm this sexuality,  we will not confirm the rules made by it. 
There is no
>  such things like commitment in our relationship as there is no society  
to look
> after it.
> Over this i would like to  say commitment thing is never going to 
happen as  the
> bond between man to man is joined by very weak force  though it is 
equally weak
> as the bond between  man and  woman but the later one is supported by 
other n
> number of  factors one of those is kids. Kids become their common 
interest  when
> other interest are lost or satiated. Now this is tricky  part as now the 
faith on
> marriage is loosing its magic, people  are gradually coming out of those 
> which were there from  the ages. So that means if the commitments by the 
>  sexuality is wanning how one can even think of plutonic love  or just 
say love
> commitments.
>  Anyways..once again "I proud to be a gay" is completely  overstatement.

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