You are SO right.  The Catholic Church has always been a source of  "FAITH 
But also let us not forget that the ORTHODOX in most religions also condemn 
I am Jewish and Gay as well !!
Gordon Micunis ( Santa Fe, New Mexico)
In a message dated 3/10/2012 11:32:13 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Religion (as practiced by the Pope and his ilk)  is one of the most  
powerful weapons of mass destruction on earth today. And the Pope's words and  
actions exemplify that statement. 

All these decades when gay marriages were not permitted, thousands of  
children were being sodomized by the "moral guardians" of the Church. The  
Church is paying millions of dollars to the few of the brave abused kids who  
have gone to the courts. It appears now that the Church knew about child abuse  
and pedophilic priests all along but kept mum. What hypocrites these "men 
of  God" (women not allowed into their 'haloed' precincts, you see)  are! 

The Pope also talks about banning artificial contraceptives. Is he in his  

Which logically thinking person can ever believe that the Son of God who  
preached love for lepers and prostitutes 2000 years ago would like it if his  
followers preached hatred for gays and lesbians?


--- In, asfan  <asfan20@...> wrote:
> Pope weighs into gay  marriage row condemning 'powerful, political and 
cultural currents'
> By Steve Doughty
> PUBLISHED: 21:02 GMT, 9 March 2012  | UPDATED: 21:02 GMT, 9 March 2012 
> Â 
> The Pope yesterday  condemned David Cameron’s plan to allow same-sex 
marriage, calling it an  attack on justice.
> Â 
> He said that marriage between a man  and a woman must be preserved 
because it protects parents, children and the  whole of society.
> Â 
> Pope Benedict urged Roman Catholics  to stand against ‘powerful 
political and cultural currents seeking to alter  the legal definition of 
> Â 
> The remarks were  timed to add Papal authority to the campaign against 
same-sex marriage  launched this week by Roman Catholic leaders in Britain.
>  Â 
> A letter in which two archbishops say a new law would  undermine the 
family is to be read to Catholic congregations in England and  Wales tomorrow, 
and Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien has strongly attacked  the plan. 
> Â 
> In the Church of England, both  Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams 
and Archbishop of York John Sentamu  have opposed it, following the 
campaigning lead set by former Archbishop of  Canterbury Lord Carey.
> The stance of church leaders means that Mr  Cameron is likely to face 
determined opposition when he introduces his  same-sex marriage scheme in a 
consultation paper later this month.
>  Â 
> The Pope made the Vatican’s view plain in discussions with a  group of 
visiting American  bishops.
> Â 
> Discussing  the political campaign to change the nature  of marriage, 
Benedict  said:  ‘The Church’s conscientious effort to resist this 
pressure  calls for a reasoned defence of marriage as a natural institution 
consisting  of a specific communion of persons, essentially rooted in the 
complementarity  of the sexes and oriented to procreation. 
> Â 
>  ‘Sexual differences cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to the 
definition of  marriage.’ 
> Â 
> The Pope continued: ‘Defending  the institution of marriage as a 
social reality is ultimately a question of  justice, since it entails 
safeguarding the good of the entire human community  and the rights of parents 
children alike.’ 
> Â 
>  Benedict said there were serious problems caused by cohabitation among 
couples  ‘who seem unaware that it is gravely sinful, not to mention 
damaging to the  stability of society.
> Â 
> ‘Let me conclude by recalling  that all our efforts in this area are 
ultimately concerned with the good of  children, who have a fundamental right 
to grow up with a healthy understanding  of sexuality and its proper place 
in human relationships.
>  Â 
> ‘Children are the greatest treasure and the future of every  society: 
truly caring for them means recognising our responsibility to teach,  defend 
and live by the moral virtues which are the key to human  fulfilment.’ 
> Â 
> The Pope’s standing in Britain  has been high since his visit  in 
2010, when his charge that  Christianity is being pushed  out of public life 
struck a chord with  many.
> Â 
> However in recent years the churches have lost  their major political 
battles with the gay rights lobby.
>  Â 
> Five years ago Tony Blair’s government passed a set of  Sexual 
Orientation Regulations, despite a Cabinet rebellion by Catholic  ministers and 
reluctance of the Prime Minister himself, which made it  unlawful for any 
organisation that offers a public service to refuse it to  same-sex couples.
> Â 
> As a result, 11 Roman Catholic  adoption agencies have shut down or 
severed links with the Church because they  are no longer allowed to decline to 
place children with gay or lesbian  couples.
> Â 
> Mr Cameron’s ministers have assured the  churches that same-sex 
marriage will be permitted only through civil  ceremonies, and churches will 
be forced to celebrate gay  marriages.
> Â 
> However Church of England lawyers believe  that if same-sex marriage 
becomes lawful, then under the Sexual Orientation  Regulations churches will be 
compelled to offer weddings to gay  couples.
> Read more:  http:/

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