>From MSMGF:

MSMGF launched the 2012 Global Men’s Health and Rights survey this past
April. The survey is designed to gather information on different factors
that impact the quality of our lives as MSM, including community
involvement, sexual happiness, experiences of stigma, and access to
services. Ultimately, the information will be used by organizations in our
communities to support knowledge generation, policy development, program
implementation, and advocacy for the health and human rights of MSM.****

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While the overall number of participants globally is high, we want as many
respondents from India as possible so that the data collected can most
accurately speak to the situation there. This is why we are reaching out to

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If you identify as gay or MSM and have not yet taken the survey, we invite
you to do so! In addition, please forward the survey link below to other
gay men and MSM you know in India. The more respondents in India who take
the survey, the better the data will be able to support local advocacy and
programming initiatives.****

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*The final date to complete the survey is August 17th.*

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You can learn more and take the survey at the following link:****

** **

English: http://www.msmgf.org/index.cfm/id/288/lang/en/

Development Sector Consultant
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