GB Party at Lets Scream on 6 October 12– It’s a Saturday Nite Party

Located in the commercial heart of South Bombay, Let’s Scream is an
uber-cool disco famous for its great music and a pulsating sound system
that will simply blow you away.

Date - 6th October 12 – It’s a Saturday Nite Party

Venue: Walchand Hirachand Marg, Straight from General Post Office
(GPO), near VT station, five buildings away from Railway hotel on the
opposite side, next Jahaz Bhuvan, Ballard Pier. Mumbai-400001.

Cover Charge: Rs 500/- only (to defray the expenses of the party)

The Cover Charge includes: Two Small Drinks

In-house DJ and a dance floor which would play a mix of Bollywood as well as 
English Rock

Extra drinks will be sold at Rs 50/- to Rs 100/- per drink.

Please note that you have to be above the age of 21 to attend GB
par-ties. Please carry proof of age with you, such as driving license, college 
identity card.

Some don'ts:
This is a comfort/safe space for everyone. Many people at the event
may be "newbies" (those still coming to terms with their sexuality
and/or those who have mustered the courage to come to such an event
for the first time). We request you to be sensitive to the comfort
levels of others and to behave and dress accordingly.

Smoking is allowed only outside the premises.

No dark rooms and no sex and absolutely no drugs on the premises; if
found indulging in any "hanky panky" you shall be asked to leave the

Pls respect the safe space which is being provided.

A few dos:
Have a smashing time.
Carry your Alcoholic Drinks Permit.

Rights of admission reserved.

It’s a party

Let’s Party!!!!......

Week after Week ….. GB, Salvation Star, Gossip, Rage  & Birdcage
strive to bring you the Biggest & Best parties for the LGBT
community in Mumbai and are the biggest platforms for people from the
community to meet, interact and make new friends.

The recent
raids in different parties have been a concern amongst few guests in the
 community. The party organizers jointly would like to bring to you
notice that this is a part of the continuous action taken by various
legal departments across the city of Mumbai and not specifically
targeting specifically LGBT events. The legal departments are bound by
the law to check and initiate action in case of anything illegal things

All we party organizers follow the rules and hence till date none of our guests 
have been harassed in any way.

As a part of making our parties more welcoming we have jotted down a few do’s 
and don’ts for you to party harder and safer :

Do’s :
- Carry a drinking permit as soon as you leave from your residence,
which is easily available in any wine shop or bar. In case, you have not
 carried one, do pick one from the entrance before entering the party.
- Keep an eye on mischief mongers and inform the party organizer immediately.
- Do not believe in rumors of parties being cancelled. Call the party
organizers and cross check. As well, help us in trying to locate as to
where these rumors generate from (Your identity will be safe-guarded).
- In case there is a check from the legal departments, do behave and
also request the person next to you to behave and co-operate with the

Don't :
- Never use/carry drugs or banned
substance to/at the party. In case, you see anyone using it inform the
organizer immediately about the same. None of the party organizers
promote using of drugs or banned substances at their parties. Even if a
single person is caught inside the party using any kind of banned
substance can land all of us in trouble, hence your co-operation is of
utmost importance.
- Never smoke inside the premises. Use the
outside area or smoking zones. In case you see anyone doing it tell him
to stop that inside or inform the organizer.
- The parties are a place to dance, drink & have a good time. Do not make-out 
in the premises.
- Do not get violent or abusive with friends, fellow guests, staff,
etc. In case of any trouble, the party organizer is well equipped to
handle the situation.

Note :
- As a joint initiative to
make parties safer and more fun,…. The party organizers have decided
that they will “BANNED PERMANENTLY” from all the parties in Mumbai, any
person using drugs/banned substance, smoking at non-smoking zones,
trying to make-out and getting physical or violent in any ways.

to our party at Let’s Scream on 6th October 2012………..…………………….LET’S

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