This coming Sunday (14/10) GB presents its latest Film Club screening. As the 
many people who are regulars at these screenings know I have a bad tendency to 
keep pushing the final selection of films till almost the day before. I thought 
this time I wouldn't do that, but a friend is coming tomorrow to give me some 
new films for these screenings so while I've fixed on two films, I'm keeping 
the third slot open in case one of the new films is really that good. 

These are the two films we're definitely showing this Sunday and they are both 
really good:

- Sasha - a German coming-of-age-and-coming-out film which is set among a 
tightly knit community of Eastern European immigrants into Germany. As with all 
such families, they are both close and stifling and this is going to make it 
really hard for Sasha, the eldest son in the family and promising pianist, to 
admit that he had not just feeligns for other men, but for his openly gay - and 
very hot - piano teacher in particular. Here's a link to a review of the film 
and, as it says, this isn't a new story, but its a very well done one, 
particularly due to the performance of the super cute Sasa Kekez who plays the 
central character:

- Poltergay - a French film which is just crazy, but in the best possible way. 
A French couple (straight) move into an abandoned house that they want to 
restore into their dream home. But they run into a problem or, more accurately, 
the husband, who is a superhunky builder, runs into a problem - he keeps seeing 
ghosts. And not just any ghosts, but the ghosts of five disco dancing gay men 
who died in the 1970s an explosion in the nightclub that used to stand where 
the house is. For some reason only the hunky husband can see them which leads 
to other people thinking that he is (a) nuts and (b) gay, and even he starts 
considering the last possibility. But things are more complicated, sorry, 
crazy, than that and the story plays out in the most insane possible way 
including the reason why he - and a few other men - can see the ghosts (and 
while I won't reveal the reason, lets just say it would be most unlikely if 
most people on this list could see the
 ghosts). Its all a mix-up of ghosts, gays, glamour and glitter that is 
spectacularly silly and fun in a way that only a French comedy could be. 

The films will start around 1.30 and there will be breaks around 3.30 and 5.30, 
with enough time to have tea, samosas and check out the cute guy who was 
sitting five seats away from you. Please note that we will be as strict as ever 
about not letting in people who come too late or people who leave the film and 
then want to go back in.

Those of you who are familiar with the National College auditorium will know 
that this is because the door is near the screen and frequent going in and out 
is very disruptive for those inside, yet each time it seems I have to keep 
explaining this to people. So please everyone just come on time and stay inside 
when you're inside and don't waste time arguing.

All the films are originals which have been obtained by GB or given by friends 
for this screening. We do not show pirated or downloaded films. 

More details soon, but make sure you block this Sunday! 


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