Dear Afsan,
This is indeed getting boring. But why do you want to stop the thread. Let 
people who want to discuss it go ahead. we have a button called "delete" that 
can also be used on Unread messages.
Please feel free to use it.

 From: asfan <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: [gb] Enough

I think enough has been discussed on the merits/demerits of having a 
clean-shaven netherland by self/barber/boyfriend and the topic has been done to 
death.  May we let it rest in peace now?
Also, the topic of voluntary mono/polygamy is causing a lot of acrimony.  Can 
we be a little less volatile and be more gentlemanly?  As, I am sure we are.  
It would make for more interesting and less irritating reading.
Do give it a thought.

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