>  AIDS 'Patient Zero' was a publicity strategy, scholar writes****
> [image: Randy Shilts , here at the San Francisco Chronicle in 1987,
> initially resisted exaggerating Patient Zero´s role, but was persuaded that
> it was necessary to focus public attention on the deadly epidemic. Shilts
> died of the disease in 1994.]****
> *Randy Shilts , here at the San Francisco Chronicle in 1987, initially
> resisted exaggerating Patient Zero's role, but was persuaded that it was
> necessary to focus public attention on the deadly epidemic. Shilts died of
> the disease in 1994.*
>    Don Sapatkin, *Inquirer Staff Writer*****
> *POSTED: Monday, April 22, 2013, 3:01 AM*
> The 1987 New York Post headline - *THE MAN WHO GAVE US AIDS* - was
> arguably one of the most influential of all time.****
> "Patient Zero" - a promiscuous gay Canadian flight attendant - had spread
> AIDS from coast to coast. The story sparked sensational media coverage,
> drove a book onto the best-seller lists, pushed the "gay disease" onto
> mainstream America's radar screen, and helped jump-start an activist
> movement, all of which eventually focused more money and scientific
> brainpower on an epidemic that had already killed tens of thousands.****
> It was also wrong - intentionally creating a scapegoat to publicize* And
> the Band Played On,* Randy Shilts' authoritative chronicle of the early
> years of AIDS. The book mentioned the case on just a dozen or so of its 630
> pages.****
> "We lowered ourselves to yellow journalism. My publicist told me, 'Sex,
> death, glamour, and, best of all, he is a foreigner, that would be the
> icing on the cake,' " Michael Denneny, Shilts' editor, said in an
> interview. "That was the only way we could get them to pay attention."****
> How the first serious examination of AIDS policy had to be sold as sordid
> tabloid fare is described in a new book by Philadelphia University
> historian Phil Tiemeyer, *Plane Queer: Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the
> History of Male Flight Attendants*.****
> When he recently asked students about the media deception, "three-quarters
> of the class were a bit repulsed," Tiemeyer said. But they don't remember a
> time when AIDS meant certain death, he said, and preventing it was not a
> priority for the news media, the Reagan administration, or most of the
> public.****
> The 1970s and early 1980s - after New York's Stonewall riots and before
> AIDS - were the heyday of gay male sexual liberation, with dance bars and
> steam baths overflowing as meeting places and hundreds of sexual partners a
> year not that unusual. A new disease surfaced in 1981, but its mode of
> transmission was then a mystery.****
> "People were dropping dead left and right of the most horrible,
> opportunistic infections, no one knew what was happening, and everyone knew
> that if this was sexually transmitted," they'd be dead, said Denneny,
> Shilts' editor.****
> Patient Zero was an actual early case. He just wasn't the first case. And
> in the book, Denneny said, he "was representing all the people who refused
> to stop having unprotected sex even after they became ill."****
> Shilts describes the astonishment of scientists, who were trying to learn
> how the infection was spread, upon hearing again and again from patients
> that dying men in different cities had had sex with a gorgeous young flight
> attendant.****
> Shilts discusses the 1984 study that demonstrated sexual transmission by
> diagramming links among cases labeled by location, such as LA9 and NY4.
> Eight are directly connected to a patient labeled simply 0 - the Patient
> Zero who, according to a study author, originated as a letter O (for "Out
> of California") in an earlier study of men around Los Angeles.****
> And Shilts relays the attitude of that patient - calling him "the
> Quebecois version of Typhoid Mary" - as he continues to have sex with men
> in different cities, in chilling scenes like this:****
> "Back in the bathhouse, when the moaning stopped, the young man rolled
> over on his back for a cigarette. Gaëtan Dugas reached up for the lights,
> turning up the rheostat slowly so his partner's eyes would have time to
> adjust. He then made a point of eyeing the purple lesions on his chest.
> 'Gay cancer,' he said, almost as if he were talking to himself. 'Maybe
> you'll get it, too.' "****
> Shilts, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle who died of AIDS in
> 1994, never actually wrote that Dugas brought the disease to the United
> States, saying it was "a question of debate." And he resisted using that
> salacious angle to promote his weighty history, his editor said.****
> "Randy hated the idea. It took me almost a week to argue him into it,"
> Denneny tells Tiemeyer in the new book.****
> But there was "terrific animus in the media about covering AIDS at all,"
> Denneny said. The New York Times, Newsweek, and other publications "all
> told us they were not going to review a book that was an indictment of the
> Reagan administration and the medical establishment."****
> So St. Martin's Press produced new publicity materials focusing on the hot
> flight attendant and fed them to the New York Post. The tabloid's Oct. 6,
> 1987, headline sparked a media frenzy. Shilts appeared on *60 Minutes*.
> The Times reviewed the book on a weekday and again on Sunday; it was a best
> seller the following week.****
> "And then we put Randy on a huge publicity tour, and he spent time
> switching the attention to the Reagan administration," Denneny said.****
> Still, the focus on a promiscuous homosexual who knowingly infected others
> infuriated many in the gay community. They feared - rightly - that they
> would be blamed for spreading the disease even as they sought to rein in
> the laissez-faire sexual culture.****
> Kenneth Mayer, an AIDS doctor and public policy expert now at Harvard
> University, was at a conference in New York when the Post hit newsstands.*
> ***
> "I remember thinking, this is really unfortunate," he said of the
> single-villain approach. "It is much more complicated. It is much more
> about people's willingness to talk to people they have sex with and to
> change their own sexual practices."****
> But if that was the only way to get the book to a mass audience, he said,
> "I guess in the long run they did a service to increase the conversation."
> ****
> David R. Fair feels the same way. He had just been named head of
> Philadelphia's new AIDS office and was trying to get the city to take the
> crisis seriously. "The first thing I did was buy 40 copies of the book and
> give it to the mayor and department heads," said Fair, now a consultant to
> nonprofit organizations.****
> "It's really hard to remember how little attention was being paid to AIDS
> outside New York and San Francisco," he said. "The book is what led to the
> creation of a national AIDS activism movement."****
> Tiemeyer had not planned to write a new book about Patient Zero. Indeed,
> that story takes up just two chapters (but is, ironically, his publicity
> pitch). A historian of gay and lesbian communities, he had decided to dig
> into the impact of gay male flight attendants.****
> In this seemingly narrow demographic, Tiemeyer finds notable achievements
> in equal rights, from the first workplace health benefits for domestic
> partners, in 2001, to a 1984 legal decision forcing an airline to reinstate
> a flight attendant with AIDS, which he argues was a key step in the run-up
> to the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act.****
> For a time, Gaëtan Dugas was the best-known flight attendant in the world.
> ****
> "On the one hand, the minute that Randy released this story about Patient
> Zero, people knew it wasn't true," Tiemeyer said. "On the other hand, the
> fear was so intense," and so-called "family issues" had become so divisive,
> that "they wanted a scapegoat, they wanted to believe that this thing that
> was out of control was caused by gay male sexual excess," he said, "that
> there was someone who was to blame."****
> Bill Darrow, a coauthor of the original studies that cited Patient Zero as
> a link to show sexual transmission, is among Shilts' biggest supporters,
> and he has few qualms about the selling of *And the Band Played On*.
> Darrow, now a professor at Florida International University, teaches a
> course called Ethical Issues in Public Health.****
> "Most public health people think that the ends justify the means," he
> said. He recalled the fights for money and recognition of growing danger
> during the Reagan administration.****
> "We had to wait almost five years for anybody to pay attention to this
> terrible problem. By then it was too late," Darrow said. If they had done
> so earlier, "we could have saved an awful lot of lives."****

Aditya Bondyopadhyay
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