Me too - too many dramatic props in the story and too much requirement to 
'suspend disbelief'

Aditya Bondyopadhyay
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On 28-Apr-2013, at 3:21 PM, wrote:

> I gave up half way. But I wonder how 23 year old today is a freelance journo 
> for last 9 years? And an entrance exam for masters in fashion designing?? 
> Never knew about that.
> Prasad
> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
> From: sourendra das <>
> Sender:
> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 07:17:27 +0530
> To: <>; <>
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: [gb] A Shockingly Sad Tale !!! Needs Help !!!
> A Shockingly Sad Tale !!! - 
> I do not know where do I start from, today I had one of the most horrible 
> days in my life and reason, I am born gay. I am born in Calcutta and did my 
> higher studies from Bombay, and while growing up, I did writing, I wrote for 
> some of the big publications in India and abroad too. Then, I was in college 
> when I got inclined towards fashion journalism, as it happened by chance and 
> more so because fashion gave a new space, where people in my professional 
> field respected my sexual orientation. I covered Lakme Fashion Weeks and 
> Dubai Fashion Week, and somehow everywhere I went I felt fashion accepts gay 
> people more than any corporate field. I am 23 years old and like every other 
> guy, I do feel a need for love and companionship and acceptance from society. 
> Today, I feel like crying and relieving my heart, but I am pretending to be 
> strong, as I am a guy, I should be strong. Today, someone abused me because I 
> was gay. Well, long story short, I was homesick about Calcutta, living all 
> alone in Bombay. Bombay's luxuries life and all other glittery still made me 
> miss home. So, once I finished my Graduation in English Literature in 2012 
> and did some writing work for a year, I felt I should do my Masters from 
> Calcutta and re-unite to my roots. I knew this guy called Sona Kunda, as he 
> used to come to the same gym where I worked out in Calcutta, many years back, 
> when I was in school. Just on Friday, I was cycling in morning as sometimes I 
> do, and this guy saw me in the road and started chatting up, and I have 
> realized that in Calcutta or cities where LGBTI awareness is less, people 
> somehow get attracted to me and never release that it is actually an 
> attraction, sometimes it's non-sexual. To be honest, being gay doesn't give 
> you friends, most people who come near me is because of the little success 
> that I have achieved being a freelance journalist since last 9 years, I took 
> the pen and I loved words as human beings dejected me calling me gay. So, I 
> gave my love for printed words. This guy, Sona too came near me for the same 
> reason, he apparently by purpose came close to me and told me about his plans 
> to live in Mumbai and how he needs Rs. 40 lakhs and he can even murder 
> someone for that, well I took that as a joke, because sometimes I have seen 
> (read rarely) that some young boys speak like that. Then, we indirectly 
> seeked my help as I have many connections in Bombay, and forced me to 
> exercise with him and took me to gym and latter to salon and his house. And I 
> am such a guy, I do not force straight men to have sex with me. I always go 
> for consensual sex and I do not believe in making gay people straight or 
> straight people gay, I respect people's identity. This guy, Sona told me that 
> how he is suppose to get Rs. 40 lakhs just by being with some women (Simran) 
> for 2 years, apparently I do not know what he meant by all that he said to 
> me. Well, sounds strange, but people somehow sometimes tell weird stuffs with 
> me, I hate it, as I am not a counsellor and not someone who can be dumped 
> with all emotional garbages of other people. I am not interested in him, not 
> had any sexual desire for him and neither did I have anything for him or 
> something. Well, he called me at 7.22pm on Friday when I was studying and I 
> did not answer his call, also as my cell was in silent mode, I had an 
> Entrance Exam for Masters in Fashion Management on Saturday noontime. I 
> messaged him around 10pm when I went for dinner "Studying dear. Take Care" 
> and did some revisions and slept to wake up early with fresh mind and study 
> again. Around 12am, some girl called me named Simran, and woke me up from my 
> sleep and started arguing that I sent Sona messages which she does not find 
> appropriate and she went on to be more abusive, I told her to mind her own 
> business and told her 12am is not the time to call any decent person and kept 
> the phone, trying to sleep. Well, latter that night Sona abused me in sms 
> that "I was not calling u it was by mistake i m not even interested to see u 
> as u  r gay so try someonle else u defective peice u gay" and Simran wrote to 
> me "stop disturbing n who is defective u know better then me go n ask ur 
> parents baby. Now u will suffer u defective piece" Well, my simple msg 
> "Studying dear. Take Care" can be misinterpreted like this as a flirting 
> message, and well in Bombay in parties, we kiss friends, and we air kiss, and 
> we say - baby, sweetheart, honey, love, sweets, dear, and the likes to almost 
> anyone we meet in parties and in social gatherings. Well, then this guy Sona 
> harassed me by calling me so many times, I hardly answered his call, because 
> I had to concentrate on my studies. I finished Exam and then went for a 
> movie. I was returning home, when I was in a cycle rickshaw and this guy Sona 
> chased me, and put up a big fight in the street, calling me gay and what 
> not!!! He looks like a goon, and hardly speaks English or not really 
> educated. For a moment, I felt like hitting him back, as he held my bag, and 
> showing him that 'decency is not someone can take for granted' but I fought 
> up with battle of words. Well, when he could not win the argument, he abusing 
> me as 'gay' and what not, well is 'gay' an abuse??? And there were people all 
> around who made a circle, few said to stop, most of them were watching some 
> 'tamasha' of a gay guy being harassed out in the road. He had only one thing 
> to say, that since I was gay, I was a "defective piece" and all kinds of 
> meaningless abuses. It was horrible for me, as I feel people should respect 
> everyone irrespective of their sexual orientation. Sona kept on abusing me as 
> gay and went on, I had to tell my rickshaw guy to move on, whom Sona started 
> hitting. Sona almost hit me too, but I controlled myself in not hitting him 
> back. Well, am I to cry or to defend myself in a nation, where a gang of boys 
> rape a girl and she dies, and again someone rapes a 5-year old child, and 
> here in Calcutta a gay boy, who is respected and freelances for the most 
> circulated English daily in Eastern India, still goes through this kind of 
> harassment. And why??? Because I am Gay!!! Well, when I came home, I was 
> shattered, here I was in love with Calcutta and everyone in Calcutta tells 
> me, I should stay here and help in Calcutta's growth! Well, in this kind of 
> way, I will be insulted in the road and homo-phobic people will watch it like 
> 'tamasha' in the road. Once, I came home, I told my Mom, and she called Sona 
> and told him in clear Bengali, not to come to our house or contact us in 
> anyway, anytime anywhere. And I still feel like crying, this is the city 
> which I love and I feel like contributing and helping it grow and how I am 
> treated, or a nation as whole, how badly we are treated. I am a budding 
> journalist, I studied in English medium school, I lived in Bombay, born in a 
> metro like Calcutta, and I am exposed to many things that many other gay boys 
> in villages do not get, yet I am abused in public like this. Well, I feel 
> like dying, so often I feel suicidal for this reasons. Well, when will we get 
> our rights to live freely? Why do we Gay men have to take so much pain and 
> suffering? We are humans too, we deserve same human rights. I have tears in 
> my eyes, and somehow it is dried now. This is a gay boy's story in our big 
> democracy like India, a shockingly sad tale indeed!!! 
> PS: I seek some professional help, can we take legal actions against this guy 
> for being so nasty??? Please help is needed!
>        Do write to me at, hello: (will send you), if 
> you are an NGO, especially based in Calcutta or anywhere in India, that will 
> be of great help, or please do forward my email to someone relevant or pass 
> any relevant information. Many Thanks.
> Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

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