[image: Same sex, same rights]

Same sex, same rightsJun 30, 2013, 07.07 AM IST
It's almost four years since the historic Delhi HC ruling on Section 377.
With the matter now before the SC, the crucial question is which way will
India go?

*It's almost four years since the historic Delhi HC
Section 377. With the matter now before the SC, the crucial question
which way will India go? Will it be the gay rights-affirming path shown by
the US, UK and even the macho bastion of Latin
America<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Latin-America>or the
regressive, feardriven path being taken by Africa,
Russia <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Russia> and parts of Eastern
Europe <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Eastern-Europe>?*

It has been an amazing, and rather bewildering, couple of months for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. The US Supreme
earlier this week
striking down the Defence of Marriage Act, which prevented the federal
government from recognizing same sex marriages, and in Hollingsworth vs
Perry, which effectively allowed same sex marriages to start again in
California, cap a remarkable series of wins on the issue.

It started with two small countries: New Zealand, where on April 17
Parliament passed a bill allowing same-sex
memorably marked by the singing of a Maori love song from the
galleries -
and Uruguay, where a similar bill passed on May 3. It rapidly expanded from
there. On May 14, Brazil's National Justice Council, which regulates the
judiciary, passed an order directing all registrars of marriage in the
country to start recognizing same-sex unions.

In France, after months of vehement debate and protest, a same-sex marriage
bill passed and was signed into law by President Francois Hollande on May
17. And in the United
a same-sex marriage bill, already passed by the House of
passed the House of
Lords<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/House-of-Lords>by such
a sweeping majority of 390-148 that its opponents, who had hoped to
scuttle it here, acknowledged that their efforts had failed and same-sex
marriage would soon receive Royal Assent in the UK.

Other countries will follow. In Germany a same-sex marriage bill has passed
the upper house Bundesrat and is now before the Bundestag and it seems
likely to pass. In Australia, where Julia
shown an odd reluctance on the issue, her replacement as Prime
by Kevin Rudd <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Kevin-Rudd>, who
supports same-sex marriage, there may now be movement on this issue (its
passage in New Zealand, a country Aussies love to mock as backward, must be
some inducement!).

Yet all this progress is shadowed by movements in the entirely opposite
direction. If Latin America, long thought of as a bastion of macho
prejudice, is proving surprisingly supportive on same-sex issues, most of
Africa <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Africa> is not. The
Ugandan Parliament seems set to revive a horrific anti-gay bill that could
even allow death penalty for 'serial offenders' who refuse to change their
ways. Nigeria has passed a bill banning same sex marriage and any public
display of gay activism or support for gay rights.

The President of Senegal <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Senegal>,
while playing host to President Obama, openly rebutted any suggestion of
support for LGBT people; it was a Western custom, he said, just as polygamy
(which is legal in Senegal) was an African one. Most African countries will
echo this, yet for all these claims about local culture, there is plenty of
evidence that the real driver for this intolerance is coming from Western
evangelical Christians who feel they can counter their losses at home by
enforcing prejudices in Africa.

The same combination of nationalist intolerance combined with religious
prejudice is emerging in Russia and its erstwhile Eastern European allies.
Russia's Parliament unanimously passed a law banning 'gay propaganda'.
President Putin claims homosexuals are not discriminated against, yet
horrific stories keep emerging about the problems LGBT people are facing in
parts of the former Soviet
In Georgia <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Georgia>, the Sochi
Winter Olympics look set to see anti-gay clashes. There is even a Facebook
game which shows Georgian priests gunning down gay men.

The economic crisis in Europe is fuelling a lot of the anger; protesters
look for easy victims and find them with LGBT people. In countries like
Hungary <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Hungary> right wing
political parties seem to be tacitly supporting ultra-nationalist groups
who often target LGBT people and Pride marches. The startling scale of the
protests against the same-sex marriage bill in France seems to have been
largely driven by anarchic, anti-political interests who are building on
the frustrations caused by the crisis.

All this places India in an interesting position. Almost exactly four years
ago, on July 2, 2009, the Delhi High Court delivered its verdict in the Naz
India decision ruling that Section
377<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Section-377>of the Indian
Penal Code, which was used to penalise LGBT people, could no
longer apply to consenting adults. This was appealed in the SC by groups
which include the nationalist and religious elements driving homophobia in
other parts of the world.

Yet if the regressive elements are present here, the progressive elements
are too. In the Supreme Court, support for Naz came in the form of
petitions from parents of LGBT people, leading academics, mental
and even the government, with Attorney-General Goolam
Vahanvati arguing that Section 377 was an imposition of the morals of the
British colonial government on the inherently more tolerant traditions of
Indian culture. Even more, in society outside, there is increasing
acceptance of LGBT people, especially among younger generations - exactly
the change that has driven the new acceptance in the US, Western
Latin America.

The Supreme Court justices who heard arguments on this issue last year will
doubtless examine the US Supreme Court verdicts and will find much of
relevance. The decision in the DOMA case turns on the importance of
treating all people, gay or straight, equally and this is similar to what
was argued in India. In Hollingsworth vs.Perry the decision was a more
technical one where the key point seems to have been the
government's refusal to appeal against a court verdict
striking down the results of referendum that made same-sex marriage illegal
- again, not dissimilar to the Indian
to appeal against Naz India. But more than these legal issues,
perhaps the judges here should look at the wider picture. Where do they
want to see India moving - on the progressive, human rights affirming path
set by Latin America, Western Europe, New Zealand, South Africa and now the
US, backed by its Supreme Court? Or the regressive, fear-driven path being
taken by Africa, Russia and parts of Eastern Europe? The trend of our
Supreme Court, towards expanding justice for all, would seem to make that
answer clear.

Vikram Doctor

*Email: modera...@gaybombay.in

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