A story from me: you are free to comment your likings or dislike:
I could not take off my eyes of Amit, a sweet 19 year boy from Nasik. Amit was 
studying and was very ambitious. I was visiting my Uncle and he was in the 
neighbourhood. Amit was a young man with passion, determination and vigour and 
he looked very cute, fair and dimple on his cheek was killing. His smile was 
contagious and when I smiled back, with masti in his eyes he remarked 
"bade bhaiya, I not just like you but started loving you. This is the 
first time i am feeling that way. You have something , which attracts me to 
you. Other men i see and want to bang them, but to you, i want to kiss and hold 
hands and just stare at your loving eyes". I glanced at him and went. He 
followed me in the kitchen. We went to his farm. He touched my hands and kissed 
my neck. His lips were full of passion. His eyes made me weak. His lips met my 
lips and tongue started searching and hugging my tongue, that 2 minutes of 
passionate kissing took both of us in a
 different world. Then there was a knock on the door. Amit burst into bad words 
and opened the door. Looking at me he said " may be next time". We 
did not get the next time in Nasik as I had to come back since holidays were 
over. I never heard from him or about him for one year almost.
One day I had been to a party of my friend in a big hotel in Mumbai. There I 
heard the party manager shouting at one of the waiters. I turned back and saw 
the waiter going outside. I went outside to meet a friend and saw this waiter 
sobbing. Curiously I went to him and shocked and amused to see Amit. He looked 
ruffled and bit mature but still cute and fair. With heavy heart, he narrated 
his story as to how he came to Mumbai to finish engineering but fell into bad 
companies and now had to work as a waiter to survive.
I hugged him, held his hand and said "Amit, you were a man with the 
passion, why you lost it? We all have dreams and to fulfill them, we take 
decisions. Decisions lead to actions, which forces us to make choices, about 
the path which we take to reach our destination. Destination and path do not 
change, what changes is our speed, determination and zeal as in the path we 
come across spots, which we start considering as the destination. Your 
destination was completing engineering and start your own consultancy but 
coming to Mumbai itself you thought was your ********* may have wandered a bit 
but just gather yourself. Bring that hope a ********* and see the 
difference." . He replied " my days are bad. what i do?" I 
quickly mentioned " days are not good or bad. our karma are good or bad. 
Your lust lost you the way not bad days". he looked at me approvingly. 
Little moist in his eyes he said" bhaiya, at this juncture i had
 lost the hope, but your words has revived my desire to achieve. You are my 
first love in true sense. Sex with others i have forgotten but not one kiss 
with you. it still lingers in my mind. now i would surely change my path and 
get my destination" i patted him and said " i am waiting for the next 
time, hope you remember" . he started crying and wiping his tears , he 
hugged me. while leaving he gave me his number and said " bhaiya, i always 
loved you and today i love you more. Your company is always special for me. I 
am waiting for that as well. but i want to earn that respect, love and desire 
from you. i would achieve my destination soon and then this engineer will screw 
you" . With moist in his eyes, i saw him leaving and he looked back with 
determination in his eyes and his posture made it sure that i would not have to 
wait for a long for the "next time"

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