Dear all,
This is just to clarify that even though Ranjita Sinha has chosen to use
the thread relating to the community meeting on the 21st in Delhi, s/he did
not, in fact, attend that meeting.



On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Ranjit Sinha <>wrote:

> Dear ATHB Partners, Associates and all our TG/Hijra community friends and
> members,
> Through this mail, I am sharing with all of you, my impression after
> attending the national meeting on Section 377 at Delhi. The meeting looked
> to be too pre planned and pre destined. It was just like every thing was
> set and done and we only took part just for the sake of it. Even the
> facilitators who were chosen from West Bengal have never been seen much in
> TG/Hijra  community activism and now they have been given this
> responsibility which impliedly has again dismissed  the predominance of the
> transgender community and people like us who are working in this field over
> a considerable period of time.
> We failed to understand the reason why these two people were selected and
> what was the selection process and who did the selection. Instead of
> organizational representation, why these people represented themselves in
> individual capacity. This MSM community always kept TG/Hijra community
> aside to grasp and keep community resources within themselves and after a
> small silence after their corruptions were unveiled,as per the Manas Bangla
> sam, they have again initiated the process of uniting together and now they
> have used this platform of Section 377 to develop another fund proposal
> presumably. But even without funds we have done whatever is possible and
> needs to be done from our state which include submission of deputations in
> the offices of Chief Minister of the State, Governor of the State,
> Chairperson of Human Rights and submission of FIR at local PS against
> violence. We have initiated the process of mass signature collection and
> taking legal opinion for submission of a mass petition against the verdict
> of SC.
> When after the meeting, we wanted to submit copies and documentation of
> our movement at state, they informed us that they can take the copies but
> will not provide any acknowledge as they do not have stationeries.They want
> to only increase their visibility rather than attaching importance to the
> actual crisis.We have not seen a single new face, there was the repetition
> of all those old faces who always takes the lead, showing that these people
> do not want to give space to the newer generations and also TH/Hijras. But
> the actual scenario is that the TG/ Hijra community is very visible in our
> state and involved in many movement. So we shall organize a press meet
> tentatively on 21st jan 2014 (Press club0 to discuss these issue. Moreover
> we knew only about the meeting   on 21st, but there was meeting on 20th and
> 22nd, so why the organisers kept us in dark and kept us out of those
> meetings. So is it that they will decide everything and we shall not be
> involved.But ATHB will never allow such a situation to happen
> So at this juncture, we, the TG, Hijra people need to be very careful and
> should be determined not to give any chance or edge to the MSM s or other
> organizations like Sappho who are never seen to carry even a community
> banner to set up a conspiracy and start another process of misappropriation
> of funds.
> However,Thanks to the organizer for the hospitality.
> Thanks and Regards
> ATHB Secretariat
> (Association of Transgender/Hijra in Bengal)
>   On Friday, December 20, 2013 8:50 AM, rup agarwal <>
> wrote:
>  Dear Ranjitha Didi,
> Greetings!
> We had done a great job indeed, now we need to do the follow up regarding
> the deputation and way action. As an ATHB member if you think to take any
> follow up action feel free to instruct me accordingly. As a Trans
> Woman/Hijra I will be glad to work for out network in Bengal.
> Hope for the best.
> Warmest
> Madhuja Nandi
> Trans Woman/Hijra activist
>   On Thursday, 19 December 2013 6:10 PM, ATHB BENGAL <
>> wrote:
>  Dear Akshay,
> Thanks for keeping ATHB network which is the first network registered in
> India for TG/Hijra Community in the entire loop. I am trying to be present
> in the meeting .
> In our State there are many CBOs who are partners of our network and
> associates who have started state level movement against section 377 as
> they feel that this section has an impact on TG/Hijra community too. We
> have also submitted deputation with his excellency the Governor of the
> State,The Hon'ble Chief Minister of State and the Chairperson of Human
> Rights. On behalf of our partners and associates we shall submit a brief
>  about the movement in our state and a copy of the deputations. Hope this
> will form inputs for fixation of strategies in this forthcoming national
> meeting.
> Thanks and regards
> Ranjita Sinha
> ATHB Secretariat
>   On Thursday, 19 December 2013 10:36 AM, Gautam Bhan <
>> wrote:
>  Maya and others: GATI is in Khirkee extension just opposite Select City
> Walk. Best is to come via Press Enclave Road, and get off right in front of
> the big Select City Walk Mall but on the opposite side of the road. Walking
> in, you'll see a red temple with a lane going to the left. Take that lane
> and GATI is clearly visible with a big blue door on the right.
> On Dec 18, 2013, at 11:02 PM, Aniruddha Dutta <> wrote:
> Dear Akshay,
> Thanks for keeping us posted and for considering virtual participation,
> which I hope will help more people join the conversation. Look forward to
> more updates,
> Best,
> Ani
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 1:36 AM, akshay khanna <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As promised yesterday, here are the details for the meeting on the 21st.
> Venue: The Gati Dance Forum, 5, Wind Mill Place, s-17 Khirkee Extension,
> Opposite Select City Walk Mall, New Delhi 110017. this is next to Khoj
> Studios.
> Time: 2 pm to 6 pm
> several people have written in saying that they would like to be there but
> cannot make it (given the short notice etc.). we are working on ways to
> make virtual participation possible.
> also, a reminder - please do send in your thoughts and ideas for the
> meeting to , especially if you cannot
> make it for the meeting! and of course if you would like to help in putting
> it together...
> looking forward to seeing many of you soon, and to both this meeting, and
> the National Consultation on Sunday!
> with love
> akshay
> --
> Aniruddha Dutta
> Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies - Asian & Slavic Languages & Literatures
> University of Iowa

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