*Executive Summary:*

This report analyses the political affiliations of the Queer
Community(Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual , Transgender, Intersex) in India. The
Supreme Court  recriminalized same sex relations on December 11 2013 by not
upholding the Delhi High Court verdict of 2nd July 2009 thereby placing the
onus of this decision on the Indian Parliament.  The queer movement in
India has been by and large apolitical. However the Supreme court decision
has resulted to a political turn to the movement. The Queer movement will
henceforth have to engage the political class and advocate the need for
upholding the rights of the queer citizens of India. To begin this process
the first step is to understand the mindset of the queer voter. This report
is a preliminary effort to understand the political affiliations and the
underlying reasons of the Queer Citizens of India in a  multi-party

The methodology followed has been dual by way of a consultation and an
internet based survey. The  consultation with the queer community members
yielded enough qualitative data and generated debate and discussion on the
political affiliations of various queer community members in Mumbai. The
internet survey on the other hand yielded quantitative data of the queer
community members as well as their supporters across India. This survey was
far reaching and also collected qualitative data on queer issues that need
to be included on party manifestos.

The Congress, AAP and the BJP  were the main political parties that were
discussed. The Congress showed the greatest amount of support from the
Queer community followed closely by the AAP. BJP despite having taken an
anti -Queer stand still has some degree of support from within the queer
community. A differential analysis of the confidence levels of the BJP, AAP
and Congress supporters indicates that the queer voters and their
supporters are a heterogeneous group and have different political

Queer voters and their supporters have indicated that they expect political
parties to have queer rights on their party manifesto. The highest ranking
demand is the decriminalization of homosexuality, followed by passing an
anti-discrimination law and then marriage equality for same sex partners.

While queer voters  and their supporters are not very crisp in their
political ideologies, the process of politicization of the queer movement
has begun.

It would be thus advisable for political parties to take cognizance of such
reports and hear out the voice of the queer community and their
supporters,  as they reflect a voter base that opines differently from
popular moralistic ideologies. It would be highly necessary to devise poll
strategies that incorporate the needs of sexual minorities and end
discrimination of any kind.

*A political analysis within the queer community has never been done
before. While this report is an honest and straightforward attempt to
quantify political affiliation of queer individuals in India it should be
noted that the qualitative portions are representative only of Mumbai. The
internet survey is pan India, but responded to by a certain socio economic
class that understands English and is internet savvy. Conducting an offline
survey with local language options would greatly refine this study.*

<http://www.scribd.com/doc/216564737/Queer-and-Political-Release-1-0> *

*Pallav Patankar *

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