If you can, help others
 Be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life 
provides. - Carl Sagan (Gratitude 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/gratitude @ OM)
 more Gratitude quotes and sayings 
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 If you can't be somebody's sunshine, don't be a cloud which blocks their 
sunshine away. - Marinela Reka (Kindness 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/kindness @ OM)
 Quoting Dalai Lama 
 "If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them."
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. - Beverly Sills 
(Determination & Perseverance 
@ OM)
 Quoting Judi Adler, "Champions know there are no shortcuts to the top. They 
climb the mountain one step at a time. They have no use for helicopters!"
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get 
busy. - Dale Carnegie (Take action 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/take-action @ OM)
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 A good attitude doesn't come from having the best of everything in life; it 
comes from making the best of everything in life. - Joyce Meyer (Attitude 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/attitude @ OM)
 more Joyce Meyer quotes and sayings 
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 This is the only life you have. You can't be somebody else; this is your one 
shot. - Joel Osteen (Accepting Yourself 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/accepting-yourself @ OM)
 Quoting Oscar Wilde 
 "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken up."
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 Our purpose in life is to love people, not to change them.- Symphony of Love 
(Love http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/love @ OM)
 Just love them the way they are but love works in a magical way; when we love 
others and stop trying to change them, they change. Quoting Paulo Coelho 
 "When we love, we always strive to become better than we are."
 (Click above for the bigger image)
 Kind deeds will never be forgotten. They may seem small to you, but they’ll be 
remembered for a lifetime. Take time to be good to people.
 - Joel Osteen (more Joel Osteen quotes and sayings 
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