It's never crowded along the extra mile. - Dr. Wayne Dyer (Living life to the 
fullest @ OM)

Where many are doing just enough to get by, lets go the extra mile. A reminder 
also to myself to always walk the extra mile.

More quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to 
turn on the light. - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter (Happiness @ OM)

more quotes on Happiness
(Click above for the bigger image)

Hell and heaven are not geographical places. They merely indicate the states of 
the human mind.  - Swami Parthasarathy (Choice @ OM)

Quoting Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, "I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I 
can always control what goes on inside."

(Click above for the bigger image)

If we consciously remind ourselves of our blessings, it should become harder to 
take them for granted and adapt to them. - Robert A. Emmons (Gratitude @ OM)
(Click above for the bigger image)

What Country in the World Best Fits Your Personality? Were you able to take the 
quiz the other day? So what country in the world best fits your personality?

I have some feedback saying they couldn't access this in iPhone. So sorry for 
this. I didn't realise it until late last night. If you haven't gotten a chance 
to take the quiz, have some fun with it. Click here to access ->> Take Me to 
the Quiz Now!
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