Hello Mates (and hello Harish Iyer),
Is there anyways we can conjoin, all the LGBT Rights activists and supporting 
NGO's under one roof?
REASON: To solve a PROBLEM,............................ first we need to 
understand the PROBLEM.
PROBLEM: We are asking the Indian Government to renounce/repeal Section 377. 
But they turn a def-ear to our plea.

QUESTION: If it is in the hands of the Govt/Politician, then what do they care 
about the most?

ANSWER: """"  Vote Bank   """"".
Unless we have all the LGBT Community + LGBT Rights activists + supporting 
NGO's + LGBT Pride Organizers+ Celebrities (Celina Jaitley..etc), and the whole 
plethora of people like ourselves, get under one roof and develop a huge VOTE 
Bank, we will be always ignored.
Yes.................I said  =>     I..G..N..O..R..E..D  !!!!!

EXAMPLE: Even in USA, Obama has to bank on LGBT Equal Rights, to attract voters 
to win the election. VOTE BANK is that powerful my friend !!!!

DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTIC: Even if you consider 5% of the population to be a part 
of LGBT, that still makes us above 7 Carores (but NOT all can vote), but for 
those who are out, can always persuade their parents, siblings, friends, to 
SWING THE VOTE, in the favor of that Government who will not only repeal 
Section 377, but also strengthen our equal rights.
TOTAL VOTE BANK ESTIMATE (Aprox.) =     9   to   11    Carore's      (LGBT + 
their parents + Siblings + Supporting Friends + New Age People who support 

Thats a huge vote bank, to make a huge difference !!!!  (All II am saying is: 

Any suggestions?
Rahul - An Equal Rights Activist. 
And the link for the article:
Section 377 damaging psychological well-being of homosexuals: Law Commission 
Chairman - Firstpost

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| Section 377 damaging psychological well-being of homosex...The existing laws 
pertaining to gay sex are damaging the psychological well-being of homosexuals 
in the country, Law Commission Chairman said. |
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| View on www.firstpost.com | Preview by Yahoo |
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   Ardhnarishwara Support Group (cherishing the delightful & enchanting 
"Rainbow World")

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