------- Additional Comments From schlie at comcast dot net  2005-03-04 15:26 
(In reply to comment #12)
> Everybody who works on the AVR toolchain knows that it would be desirable to
> have attributes to allow objects to be put in and accessed in different 
> address
> spaces. This has nothing to do with this bug report. Who are you trying to
> convince? Please refrain from muddying the waters with comments that have
> nothing to do with the issue at hand. You're just wasting bandwith.

(Although I know I should simply ignore ignorant comments, I feel compelled
to respond.  I pre-apologize, and will not continue the response further than):

Eric, I'm glad it's obvious to you; maybe you'd consider attempting to 
contribute to the refinement of AVR's GCC port; as opposed to feeling overly
empowered playing secretary for the WINAVR product in which you've obviously
never technically contributed to the refinement of the GCC port which it's based
upon, but instead apparently feel compelled to exert influence over what appears
to obviously be beyond your intimate familiarity, and likely skill set to 
technically contribute towards yourself.

(Admittedly I am no GCC expert by any stretch of imagination, but observe that
 in my relatively short tenure attempting to familiarize myself with both GCC's
 architecture and the AVR port sufficiently to productively contribute to their
 refinement, I've likely already contributed more (which isn't saying much) than
 you would appear to ever likely accomplish; so please try to tone down your
 misplaced opinions on subjects and people  you're clearly predominantly
 ignorant of.)



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