I have encountered what seems to be an error of unforgiving nature when attempting to compile a device driver for the parallel port. I also attempted to compile the example given in Riku Saikkonen's HOW TO on I/O port programming using options 0-6 with the same result.
The error is centered on the use of inb and outb (macros I understand) in my C program (and Saikkonen's). When removed it compiles.
The error is: Error: suffix or operands invalid for 'in' { also for 'out'}.
My configuration is: glibc=2.3.2, gcc=3.2.3, as= 20030820, kernel 2.4.22, vendor Slackware 9.1, motherboard=KT4V-L, CPU=AMD 2200+, circa 1.8GHz, FSB=133 MHz.
If you could point me to the resolution, as I am sure I am not the first, I would appreciate it as this has been ongoing for 10 days now and are not able to find a
solution on the web.


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